February 28, 2005/New York TIMES

Don't Blame Wal-Mart


Berkeley, Calif. - BOWING to intense pressure from neighborhood and
labor groups, a real estate developer has just given up plans to include
a Wal-Mart store in a mall in Queens, thereby blocking Wal-Mart's plan
to open its first store in New York City. In the eyes of Wal-Mart's
detractors, the Arkansas-based chain embodies the worst kind of economic
exploitation: it pays its 1.2 million American workers an average of
only $9.68 an hour, doesn't provide most of them with health insurance,
keeps out unions, has a checkered history on labor law and turns main
streets into ghost towns by sucking business away from small retailers.

This, btw, is exactly the same approach that Jared Diamond has to the question of pollution in Montana. He puts the burden on the "taxpayer" rather than the corporation.



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