Hi All,
Pushing Limits on KPFA 94.1 FM in Berkeley on March 5th Sunday tomorrow at
6:30pm will be taking a partisan look at the current Social Security
Privatization attempt by George Bush and his Republican pals.  We've
interviewed, Bryon McDonald of WID (the World Institute on Disability) who
is a leading expert on Social Security and disability, Max Sawicky of EPI
(Economic Policy Institute) of Pen-L also who is not just an expert on the
impact of Privatization but also a pioneer in the internet voice of the
left, and Lynn Woolsey Representative to Congress from the sixth district of
California (http://woolsey.house.gov/).

Our basic view of SS privatization is that it weakens the U.S. government
which exposes disabled people to further attacks from business.  In many
ways though Max is no expert on disability issues, Max spoke best of all to
this basic premise.

This show is the first show where we collaborate directly with the KPFA
labor collective.  As well we visit a demonstration in San Francisco to
interview activist for disabled rights John Webber.  At the demo just before
he spoke we were struck by the close collaboration between the disabled
community and the Gray Panthers.

It's our contention that we need to build a grass roots organization of the
disabled, labor, minorities, women, GBLT's into a single unified mass
movement.  So we are pleased to see the evidence that different strands of
the U.S. culture willingly came together for this program to welcome the
voice of the disabled.

Our thanks to Max Sawicky of Pen-l and Maxspeak for his participation.  For
those outside the Bay Area, our show is archived on KPFA.org in their
archives as Pushing Limits.  Look for the show on Social Security.
Doyle Saylor

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