Justice Unit Puts Its Focus on Faith
A little-known civil rights office has been busily defending religious
By Richard B. Schmitt
L.A. Times Staff Writer

March 7, 2005

WASHINGTON - One of the main jobs at the Justice Department is enforcing
the nation's civil rights laws. So when a nonprofit group was accused of
employment discrimination last year in New York, the department moved
swiftly to intervene - but not on the side one might expect.

The Salvation Army was accused in a lawsuit of imposing a new religious
litmus test on employees hired with millions of dollars in public funds.

When employees complained that they were being required to embrace Jesus
Christ to keep their jobs, the Justice Department's civil rights
division took the side of the Salvation Army.

Defending the right of an employer using public funds to discriminate is
one of the more provocative steps taken by a little-known arm of the
civil rights division and its special counsel for religious

The Justice Department's religious-rights unit, established three years
ago, has launched a quiet but ambitious effort aimed at rectifying what
the Bush administration views as years of illegal discrimination against
religious groups and their followers.

Many court decisions have affirmed the rights of individuals in the
public sector not to have religious beliefs imposed on them - the
Supreme Court ruling banning school-sponsored prayer in public schools
among them. And courts have ruled that the rights of religious groups
sometimes need protection too - upholding, for example, their right to
have access to public buildings for meetings.

But the argument that a religious institution spending public funds has
the right to require employees to embrace its beliefs - and that it will
be backed by the Justice Department in doing so - has changed the
debate. It is an argument the Bush administration is making in Congress
as well as in the courts.

Central to the competing points of view are the protections afforded by
the 1st Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

The webpage of the Justice Department unit reads: "Religious liberty was
central to the Founders' vision for America, and is the 'first freedom'
listed in the 1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights. A critical component
of religious liberty is the right of people of all faiths to participate
fully in the benefits and privileges of society without facing
discrimination based on their religion."

Likening the effort to the civil rights movement of the 1960s, the
special counsel for religious discrimination has intervened in an array
of religious disputes.

In some cases, the government's stand has been applauded by secular
civil rights groups as well as religious groups.

For example, the Justice Department prevailed last year when a Muslim
girl's right to wear a head scarf to class was upheld - she had been
suspended for violating the dress code at a public school in Oklahoma.
The department also has challenged the practice of making residents at
some youth detention facilities in the South participate in religious

In other areas, the department is implementing the will of Congress or
the Supreme Court. It acted, for example, to enforce a 2000 law that
gives preferential treatment to religious groups in zoning disputes over
the construction of churches.

But critics say there is a fine line between promoting religious rights
and promoting religion, especially in light of the constitutional
requirement that the government maintain strict neutrality when it comes
to religious activities.

Judging from the cases and investigations the religious unit has
launched, the new mission of the Justice Department is overwhelmingly
focused on protecting the rights of religious organizations.

Eric Treene, the religious-discrimination special counsel, is the former
litigation director of a nonprofit group, the Becket Fund for Religious
Liberty. The group has been active in suing schools and local
governments on behalf of religious groups.

Treene, one of four special counsels in the civil rights division, has
no staff and shares a secretary with two other Justice Department
lawyers. But a former senior Justice official describes him as widely
influential, bird-dogging cases he thinks the department should throw
its weight behind and reaching out to religious groups for bias cases he
believes the department should investigate.

Neither Treene nor his boss, R. Alexander Acosta, head of the civil
rights division, were available for interviews.

Many religious people freely embrace the principle of separation of
church and state - in particular when it involves providing publicly
funded social services - and don't welcome the attention of the Justice
Department on the issue.

"There are many God-fearing people who would say that mostly what they
want is for the government to leave religion alone," said Melissa
Rogers, founding executive director of the Pew Forum on Religion and
Public Life and a visiting professor of religion and public policy at
Wake Forest University Divinity School.

For more, see

Jim Devine, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
web: http://myweb.lmu.edu/jdevine/ 

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