this whole piece is rather confusing and muddled. first the subtitle
says that godel didn't prove what you think he did. however, in the text
below, the reviewer seems to agree that most people do not even know who
godel is. no big deal. what i find unconvincing is the idea that his
result is no big deal. 1) attacks by "mainstream" mathematicians against
logicians and foundations of math folks are neither new nor opaque
(after all, why entertain/encourage someone who questions your very
programme!). 2) godel's result is indeed a metamathematical result. the
fact that this permits a run of the mill mathematician to continue his
work does little  however to diminish the result, including for
mathematics. but it is the much broader impact/implication of the result
that makes it important. 3) pointing to a few misinterpretations/misuses
of godel's incompleteness theorem does not help the argument either.

my opinion: skip the review, and perhaps the book, and read either
hofstadter or penrose, or if in a lighter mood, the somewhat interesting
"uncle petros and goldbach's conjecture":

for an interesting fictional take on godel's impact!


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