"Argentina and Brazil: Regaining Sovereignty":

From the above:

>>Good news for Argentina. Judge Thomas Griesa sided with Argentina,
lifting "a freeze on $7 billion in bonds" challenged by NML Capital Ltd.
(Erin McClam/Associated Press, "Judge Sides with Argentina in Debt Case,"
BusinessWeek 29 Mar. 2005).<<

Now, there's a blast from the past. Griesa was the judge in the SWP suit
against the FBI in the 1970s. The party sought an injunction against FBI
Cointelpro type interference and $36 million in damages. It won the
injunction but Griesa reduced the cash indemnity to $246,000.

One of the high points of the trial, which took place in the Federal Courts
in downtown NYC, was Stephen Cohen's testimony. Cohen was an SWP expert
witness who was there to make the case that the Russian Revolution did not
involve illegal activities or violence. Griesa was obviously swayed by
Cohen's testimony.

Louis Proyect
Marxism list: www.marxmail.org

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