The deep trouble at WBAI is deeply troubling to a lot of people.
There are rational and smart folks who understand the
problems but not enough (yet) to make a sea change.  WBAI
is worth working for--  A 50,000 watt station in the middle of
the FM dial in the largest metro area in the US during a time of
great change.  We need this station and we need it to be
as powerful as possible.

Don't be put off by all the rhetoric.  Part of the reason it
is there is to frighten people away.  Some very principled
people have been demoralized into the cat fight but If
you, or people you know, want to help WBAI, I can
help you find people to work with in NYC.

There's also good folks on the national level
trying to bring WBAI and other Pacifica stations in line with
basic non-profit financial and other standards.  I encourage
anyone who can play a positive role to take a deeper look.


The author of the memo, Steve Brown, is deeply involved in the
internal battles of the station. It's very hard to take sides in this
battle. At its worst, it devolves into a crude black nationalism vs.
a crude white ressentiment that does neither side any credit. Gary
Null's show was dropped in part because he refused to participate in
fundraising, and through his website, was urging listeners not to
contribute to the station. In some ways it's amazing he was tolerated
as long as he was. Plus he's a health crank with dubious politics.

But there's no denying WBAI is deeply troubled. Listenership is
shrinking and the fundraisers are longer than ever. The station spent
91 days fundraising in 2004 - a full quarter of the year. Many people
within the station act as if a small listenership is proof of
authenticity. It's sad to see a 50,000 watt station in the middle of
the FM dial in the largest metro area in the US dwindling away.


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