>From today's Congressional Quarterly newsletter:

House Passes $10.5 Billion Hurricane Relief Bill

The House on Friday passed $10.5 billion in emergency funds to aid in relief 
efforts for victims of Hurricane Katrina. The early afternoon voice vote 
essentially cleared the supplemental spending bill [the pork//lcm],
< http://news.google.com/news?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=supplemental+spending+bill >
which the Senate passed Thursday night after returning early from Congress' 
five-week summer break.

President Bush on Friday called the measure "a small down payment" on the 
amount that will ultimately be needed to rebuild New Orleans and the rest of 
the decimated Gulf Coast. 

The legislation includes $10 billion requested by the administration for the 
Federal Emergency Management Agency's quickly dwindling disaster relief account 
and $500 million to replenish Defense Department operations and maintenance 
accounts. Additional supplemental appropriations are expected in the coming 

Meanwhile, House GOP leaders are considering a much broader economic stimulus 
package to address the disaster's impact on the national economy. House 
Majority Whip Roy Blunt, R-Mo., said the economic package might include 
assistance for the agriculture and transportation industries and direct aid to 
state and local governments. Blunt also would not rule of the possibility of 
tax cuts.

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