
For Now, Nanotechnology Means Little More Than Better Golf Ball

By Rick Weiss
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, March 10, 2006; A03

They promised robots the size of blood cells, able to crawl through
the body in search of disease. Featherweight aircraft parts stronger
than steel. Solar-charged batteries better and cheaper than oil.

Those and other revolutionary products may yet emerge from
nanotechnology, the nascent but quickly maturing field of
molecular-scale engineering in which scientists are harnessing the
power of the very small.

But for now, it turns out, people will have to settle for odor-eating
shoe inserts, livelier golf balls, age-defying nano-nutritional
supplements and -- for those with a hankering for a really small treat
-- nanotech chocolate chewing gum.

Such are the products emerging at the intersection of exotic science
and prosaic consumerism, as outlined in the first comprehensive
inventory of nanoproducts, out today.

The report, compiled by the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies at
the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, indicates there
are more than 200 nanotech-based products on store shelves today --
more than double last year's government estimate.

The findings provide fodder for nanotechnology's boosters as well as
its critics, with the former applauding the science's emerging
economic success and the latter concerned that consumers are being
exposed to potentially toxic materials before safety testing and
regulatory reviews are complete.

Perhaps most surprising, the list contains several products meant to
be eaten -- a step up from the kind of exposure that has drawn
attention to date, namely nanoparticle-laden cosmetics and sunscreens
that some fear could cause harm if absorbed through the skin.

By the Wilson Center's own reckoning, the inventory is conservative.
The research and policy group, which is part of the Smithsonian
Institution and receives funding from the Pew Charitable Trust,
searched the Web in English only for products that manufacturers
declared are nano-based. A few were eliminated when it appeared that
the prefix was being used more as a sales come-on than as a
description of the product's molecular makeup.

Nanomaterials range in size from one to 100 nanometers -- a nanometer
being a billionth of a meter, or about one-80,000th the thickness of a
human hair. Nanoparticles of various kinds are being incorporated in
industrial and consumer products because even conventional materials
exhibit novel properties when shaved to that size.

Silver, for example, is especially deadly to bacteria in nano form,
which is why nanosilver can now be found in refrigerators, vacuum
cleaners, shoe sole inserts and other products in need of
antimicrobial attention or odor reduction.

Lotions containing nanoparticles of titanium dioxide shield
ultraviolet rays but remain glamorously transparent, making them
popular as sunscreens.

And nano-based computer chips and hard drives can cram more processing
power and data into less space, which is why computers are among the
more common places to find nano in the home.

Many products in the inventory (
http://www.nanotechproject.org/consumerproducts ) make nano-based
performance claims whose accuracy can be difficult to gauge.

Skis that have silicon oxide nanoparticles injected into microscopic
voids are said to have greater flex and stability. Nanocapsules in a
pain-relief cream supposedly get absorbed through the skin with less
irritation. A golf ball with a nanoparticle core promises better

Reflecting marketers' natural attraction to already profitable
sectors, many nanomanufacturers have focused on cosmetics. The Food
and Drug Administration is sponsoring research to see if such products
pose any health risks.

At least eight products in the inventory are meant to be eaten,
including an Israeli brand of canola oil that contains "nano-sized
self-assembled liquids" that are said to reduce cholesterol
absorption; about a dozen kinds of nutritional supplements that make
various claims of nano-related superiority; and "Choco'la" chocolate
chewing gum containing unspecified "nanoscale crystals."

The precise nature of these and other nano-ingredients is unclear from
their labels.

The inventory does not include products used in non-consumer
applications, including hundreds in use in medical diagnostics and in
chemical manufacturing processes.

Preliminary experiments have indicated that some nanomaterials can be
toxic, while others have the potential to neutralize poisons and help
clean up the environment. Regulatory agencies considering how to
classify and handle the new materials have been hampered by companies'
general reluctance to reveal details about their products.

The growing variety of nano-based consumer products "is what you'd
hope for after a billion-dollar investment in this country," said
Vicki Colvin, director of the Center for Biological and Environmental
Nanotechnology at Rice University in Houston. But with regulators
still not sure what to make of the new science, Colvin said, "these
companies have a great responsibility right now to do the safety
testing and, to the extent possible, make those findings public."

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