In a message dated 3/27/2006 6:26:56 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Krugman did not just say that low income workers were harmed, but that the economy did not benefit much from the immigrants"Comment:
Ok, on  this topic Krugman does not show evidence at all. Casual empiricism indicates that if immigrant labor ceases to work,  a lot of industries will cease to operate automatically, such as : the restaurant industry in all major cities, the produce /wine industry in California, the slaughtering/packaging business in many states,etc. A great sector of the construction/housing repair industry would also be paralyzed not to speak of thousands of desperate housewives who would lose household support in many cities and suburbs.
However, Wall St and the Hedge Fund industry will be unaffected.LOL
Any ideas hot measure all of this GDP loss?
Cristobal Senior

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