Interesting that the reporter can blithely report
without even any comment that there will be future US
wars obviously involving occupation of other
   It is certainly unclear how the US could possibly
create security and stability while the infrastructure
and the basic needs of citizens are not met. The new
policy saves insurgents the trouble of destroying
infrastructure since it will already be in a shambles
and they can concentrate on attacking the occupiers
who don't even try to help.

April 8, 2006
Give Rebuilding Lower Priority in Future Wars

WASHINGTON, April 7 — As factions in the Bush
administration continue their bitter infighting over
the reconstruction program in Iraq, the State
Department has produced a draft planning document
saying that after any future conflicts, the United
States should not immediately begin a major rebuilding

Instead, it says, the first priorities should be to
establish a secure, stable environment and begin
political reconciliation. Otherwise, officials said,
Washington and any local government that is formed are
likely to suffer major political repercussions by
making promises that cannot be kept.

In Iraq, "We set it up to fail," said Andrew S.
Natsios, who was director of the United States Agency
for International Development until January. He and
some White House and State Department officials say
they argued early on that a large-scale reconstruction
program could never succeed in a hostile environment.

"We certainly have not done as much as we originally
had hoped for," acknowledged James Jeffrey, who is the
State Department's senior coordinator for Iraq. Some
senior officials say they fear that the failures of
the reconstruction program will pose a serious threat
for officials of the new Iraqi government, once it is
formed. "They will be vulnerable to complaints and
hostility for their inability to provide electricity
or clean water," one senior official said.

Carlos Pascual, who until recently headed the Office
for Reconstruction and Stabilization at the State
Department, which prepared the draft plan, said this
problem "was in part self-generated — we came in and
said we would restore the country, make it whole."

Under the new plan, the United States would first
establish public security and order, and then
encourage small-scale economic activity while
promoting political reconciliation. "If that is not
done, then the society will unravel at some point,"
Mr. Pascual said.

After that, banks, political parties and other
institutions would be established, followed by news
media, private aid organizations and civilian advocacy
groups. Physical reconstruction would begin "only when
it seems to fit into the other priorities," said Mr.
Pascual, who is now a vice president of the Brookings
Institution. "But the ability to build large-scale
infrastructure before you have established order and
stability is nil because it will be blown up."

The draft plan reads like a refutation of almost
everything the United States has done in Iraq. It also
reads like another chapter in the prolonged and bitter
debate between the State Department and Pentagon that
began during the months before the invasion of Iraq
more than three years ago.

The Iraq Working Group at the State Department spent
more than a year preparing a detailed study on how to
manage the country once Saddam Hussein was driven from
power. It anticipated many of the problems that
developed, including the widespread violence and
looting that American forces faced after the invasion
and the badly deteriorated state of the country's
electrical and water systems.

But the Pentagon won control of reconstruction, over
the objections of the State Department and the Agency
for International Development, and Pentagon officials
refused to use the study, saying it was too
superficial. The Pentagon also blocked the appointment
of Tom Warrick, the State Department official in
charge of the study, to a position in the military's
reconstruction office.

State Department officials say the Pentagon was
consulted in the drafting of the new plan. But the
document has a clear diplomatic stamp, and seems like
a pre-emptive move by the State Department to reassert
its authority in any future reconstruction efforts.

Bryan Whitman, a Pentagon spokesman, said that no one
would argue with the notion that reconstruction was
easier in a stable environment, but that "we can't
look at this too simplistically. It is hard to
establish a robust political environment if the people
do not have electricity or clean drinking water. These
are parallel lines of operation that complement each

Marcia Wong, deputy director of the reconstruction and
stabilization office, said the draft plan should not
be viewed as an immutable template because "a lot of
it will be driven by events on the ground." Officials
will have to go in with "Plan B, Plan C and Plan D" as
well, she added.

No project since the Marshall Plan after World War II
even approached the scope and ambition of the American
reconstruction effort in Iraq. Over three years the
United States spent more than $20 billion in taxpayer
money and roughly $40 billion in Iraqi money to
rebuild electrical power plants, water and sewer
systems and energy infrastructure. Scores of smaller
projects were intended to improve education, health
care, agriculture, governance and criminal justice.
Many of those did produce important and positive

But stymied by a vicious insurgency and surprised by
the Iraqis' inability to operate the sophisticated new
equipment, the United States has scrapped scores of
projects and now intends to reduce the program's
budget drastically. A withering assessment by
government auditors last month found that by almost
every measure, Iraqi utility services, the central
focus of the reconstruction aid, are now worse than
before the United States invaded.

Late last year, as the administration was devising its
2007 budget, officials said they initially planned to
request money to finish some of the projects that were
not completed or ever begun. But by then, the
administration had given up on the large-scale
construction projects and intended instead to spend
money on agriculture, education and good-governance
projects, among others, several officials said.

"We decided to draw the line and start focusing on
traditional forms of aid," Mr. Jeffrey said. Asked in
an interview what lesson he had learned from the
reconstruction effort, Mr. Jeffrey said, "Certainly,
that doing massive reconstruction in the midst of an
insurgency drives up costs and diverts funds."

Mr. Natsios, who was still in office throughout the
budget debate, said, "They realized they made a

Mr. Pascual and others noted that Congress made it
clear that it would not support additional large-scale
financing for reconstruction or rehabilitation
programs in Iraq. As a result, starting with the
proposed 2007 budget, which is to take effect on Oct.
1, the administration is asking for only about $771
million, and has reduced its new construction
aspirations to little more than refurbishing fruit
stands and shoe stores.

Mr. Natsios and others said they argued at the start
against the large-scale building projects, in part
because their experience in other countries over 50
years had shown that it was not the most useful way to
spend money. Officials still in the government
confirmed that he had made that case.

James R. Kunder, an assistant administrator at the
Agency for International Development, said in an
interview that the most important priority was "to
build Iraq's capacity to run its own affairs." An
important example, Mr. Natsios said, was strong
support for farming and agriculture, which was Iraq's
second-largest employment sector.

"If the rural economy collapses, the young men will be
the first to leave for the city and join the
insurgency, and that's what happened," Mr. Natsios
said. The American aid package provided some money for
agricultural assistance, but when money was taken from
the budget for other purposes, primarily security,
that was one of the first programs cut.

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