>>The women called Eve is roughly 300,000 years ago on the long end and about 180,000 on the short end. Abundance by any measure does not appear for many thousands of years (eras) later, nor is there any indication of an emergent division of labor in society, until thousands of era later. 
Hunter and gathering is in my estimate a very mistaken concept because our species are birthed as gatherers and only become hunters later. If anything the gather-hunter appears much later in the human drama. The  . . . <<
I entered this thread on the basis of Jared M. Diamond book, "Guns, Germs and Steel." The issue, as I understand matters was the interplay between species activity and environment in a more than less closed ecosystem and how this very closedness excites - set into motion, migration patterns, population growth or decline, technological dispersal or diffusion, and becomes the framework for technology development and conquest or what is the title of Jared's book, "Guns, Germs and Steel."
This kind of discussion continually surfaces because of our need to know and explain or describe "how the West won" or why the sons and daughter of what we understand to be the meaning of European and Europeans emerged as the ruling peoples and classes of a significant portion of earth.
Then the inevitable occurs . . . a search into species history to account for species violence and everyone is challenged to put on their archeological hats. I have no archeological hat as such but read books.
On page 197 of a book called "Genesis Revisited" - 1990, there is a reference to Jared M. Diamond of the University of California Medical School at Los Angeles in chapter 9 called, "The Mother Called Eve." I purchased this book when it was first published 16 years ago and chapter 9 summarizes the search to understand our species beginnings using modern data made available through the growth of DNA science and technology tracking.
Now Jared's "Guns, Germs and Steel" opens with the following words in the first two sentence of the book: "This book attempts to provide a short history of everybody for the last 13,000 years. The question motivating the book is: Why did history unfold differently on different continents?"
The distance between "the mother called Eve" roughly 300, 000 years ago and Jared's stated purpose of his book is a whopping 287,000 years, with the modern search for a common ancestor for our species dating back as far as 50 million years ago. The trail between then - 50 million years ago, and now is broken and may be impossible to reconstruct. Yet about 300,000 years ago, without any established evidence of gradual changes leading to a profound and sudden leap - (meaning the transition wherein the emergence of a new quality establishes itself), there appears Homos sapien and then about 35,000 years ago Homo sapien sapien or our parents and their parents.
Now there is speculation that the two lines of our species Homo sapien and Homo sapien sapien, may have coexisted together for perhaps 90,000 to 100,000 years and Jared's book is expressly stated to be concerned with the past 13,000 years.
This stuff is more exciting than winning the World Poker Tour - (naww), because I have read that sites have been excavated establishing the common sharing and existence of "the sapien" and "sapien sapien" not only cohabited common areas but the latter - our parents, had settlements in what we call the Middle East at least 70,000 years ago.
Now Part 2 of Jared's book is called  "The Rise and Spread of Food Production" and the time line he uses to date the rise of this production is 11,000 years ago. Jared's is a pretty smart guy as far as I am concerned and understands the questions he will face in the intellectual market and subtitles Chapter one, "What happened on all continents before 11,000 B.C."
Before 11,000 Bc is covered in Jared's book in Part One which is called "From Eden to Cajamarca" where he writes: "... Africans of 100,000 years ago had more modern skeletons than did Neanderthal contemporaries " but no preserved arts and was not in the business of slaughtering arnimals - "buffalo, pigs and other dangerous prey . . . They couldn't even fish: their sites immediately on the seacoast lack fish bones and fish hooks."
These Africans of 100,000 yars ago are said to be a transition so to speak between Neanderthal and Cro-magnon or the sapein and the sapien sapien.
"Human history at last took off around 50,000 years ago, at the time of what I termed our Great Leap Forward. The earliest signs of that leap come from East African sites with standardized stone tools and the first preserved jewelry (ostrich shells). Similar development soon appeared in the Near East and in southeastern Europe, then (some 40,000) years ago) in southwestern Europe, where abundant artifacts are assoiated with fully modern skeltons of people termed Cro-Magnons."
When did what we term "civilization" appear or what I understand the word society to mean as distinct from community or clan?
See . . . what I understand to be the meaning of the West is barely 700 years old . . . AND . . . if what I understand to be the meaning of class in its abstract setting is only perhaps only 8,000 - 10,000 years old (if agricultural production and the slow emergence of surplus is used as an index)  . . . this leads me to except a framework that the West did not invent violence or is more violent in the absolute sense, that our predecessors.  Given the huge development of the material power of production, science and the revolution in the methods of destruction and killing, we are most certainly more violent in the relative sense - meaning modern methods of warfare empower us with a different capacity than our predecessor. 
What did man eat and why or the origin of human needs is an issue that can only be traced and speculated upon in the context of the broken trail of our history. Neanderthal man or the sapien did not and could not consume flesh as a culture or ritual, nor did such an impulse to do such emerge in his environment. This statement pushes the time line back beyond 70,000 years. There of course are no classes, caste and only the rudiments of clans but not the clans of an agricultural society, which is organized in correspondence with/to a given set of instruments and tools and simple mechanical machines and rudimental mechanical motion.
In other words . . . Genesis 1 of the Bible is a brief summary of the history and emergence of Neanderthal man.
Genesis 2 of the Bible is the story of Cro-Magnon or your wife brothers best friend cousin.
Between the time of the women called Eve - 300,000 years ago, and this sudden appearance of us . . . (which is yet to be explained in an acceptable manner for many), is an overlaping period of more than less peaceful coexistnece of say 90,000 years, where both types of folks populated the earth.
Ok . . .lets do this.
The Adam and his female mate of Genesis 1 do not have the ability to reproduce themselves. This ability is granted in Genesis 2. That is to say, the coexistence of Neanderthal man and Cro-Magnon women, or more accurately Neanderthal women and Cro-Magnon man could not bear fruit. (I will most certainly go to hell for this.) Why? For the same reason that a horse and donkey can make a mule, but mules cannot reproduce themselves our make little mules. It has do with chromosomes but I ain't no scientist although I read a lot of books on this subject.
Now Cro-Magnon women intuitively understood the subtle difference but Cro-Magnon man . . . (you dogs!) took longer to understand the finer points of species activity and spend 50,000 years complaining about why his women could not bear him a child. Its like . . . brother, you keep looking in the wrong places. "Come out of the woods and steeps looking for women!"
Now . . . the Neanderthal was a gatherer and could not on the basis of an unexplained leap become a hunter because his environment prevented this and his environment (a more than less closed ecosystem) did not need changing - from the standpoint of his species existence, so he could not conceive of changing it in the direction of Cro-Magnon.
Here is the meaning of the legend of Gilgamesh.
Ok . . . Gilgamesh was a King of divine parents on the mothers side!
He was 75% God and demanded the right of first night with all the women and generally got on everyone's nerves, because the fellows wanted him to leave the wife alone and take some of them daughters. To keep Gilgamesh. occupied and happy a decision was made to find him a friend or playmate. The elders - actually his court, decided to get him a wild man from the steeps - your wife brother or the Neanderthal man.
How do we capture this Neanderthal man because he outruns all of us and is much stronger, eats fruits and vegetation so we cannot invite him to the bar be q, and drinks water from the river with the gazelle?
The plan was to send a Cro-Magnon women to the river to befriend him for a period of time and the have repeated sex with him as a basis for civilizing him. (I swear this is what the legend states). Anyway after repeated sex and interchange where  the Neanderthal learnt a modern language the animals would no longer befriend him and he was brought to the city.
The Neanderthal was brought to the city and became Gilgamesh friend and was challenged to a wrestling match in which he bested Gilgamesh and bent his knee. From there both went on to discover the secret of immortaliy, which Gilgamesh was finally denied.
Jared's book is in fact about diffusion on various levels and not simple a tale of wave after wave of violence and guns and germs. The Bible is the depositary of some very ancient materialism .. . our earliest, taken from older records. The Adam in Genesis 2 and his progeny become the gatherer-hunter because they are a different man/women.
Now none of this have very much to do with the West because that is another story.
However, what this means for me is several things in terms of politics and economics. It is a mistake to confuse the different kinds or rather different branches of our species, in unraveling species activity. To attribute class formations, concepts of wealth and male supremacy, agricultural relations and tools and the emergence of caste to the Neanderthal is not well thought out or reasoned. Here is the guy of Genesis 1 of the Bible. He is not a hunter and on his own does not deplete the all important alkaline content of his closed ecosystem.
Cro-Magnon is another story and creates history and he appears suddenly and without adequate explanation in Africa. He depletes his environment of specific alkaline content or a breach takes place in his living that compels him into migratory patterns. Absolutely no one their own volition chooses to live in the unbearable cold because of its limited alkaline content. Meat eating becomes a culture ("a culture") in such environments, for another set of biological reasons not limited to a faulty understanding called the protein theory.  Even here it is a limited need that is expanded with the emergence of bourgeois exchange relations, which in turn creates needs that are its condition and precondition for circularly motion.
Necessity and need operates on a somewhat different basis for the Neanderthal and the Cro-Magnon and Marxism has to this day combined this divergence in our species and to that degree is without authenticity.
Jared Diamond has a valid approach that is more than less materialist in my opinion. He covers his subject as well as can be expected.
I prepare my journey to hell.

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