Louis Proyect wrote:

If any confirmation of the correctness of Marty Hart-Landsberg and Paul
Burkett's "China and Socialism" (a book-length article in the July-August
2004 Monthly Review) was needed, you can look at the heartrending Aug. 1,
2004 NY Times article on the suicide of Zheng Qingming. This 18 year old
peasant youth threw himself into the path of an onrushing locomotive
because he lacked the $80 in fees to continue with college. It is the first
in a series of NY Times articles dealing with class divisions in China, a
country in which 85 million people earn less than $75 per year.

I had Elizabeth Economy, a China expert at the Council on Foreign
Relations, on my radio show yesterday - I'll be posting the audio
later today. It was surprising to hear this bourgeois scholar express
alarm about massive inequality, growing protests, and ruinous
pollution. Surprisingly, she also argued that the Chinese educational
system isn't really developing the skills of the workforce, making it
hard for the country to "move up the value chain," as they say around


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