In a message dated 5/15/2006 6:01:17 P.M.  Eastern Daylight Time,
Yes, but the cost of  foreign borrowing is that there are interest
payments that must be made to  folks outside the country. That means
that the country has to produce more  than people in the country
receive in income, just to pay interest.

Is  it the "average" USer who's "binging"? or is it those who are
credit-worthy,  i.e., the middle class and above?

> Bernanke sees this statistics now  as proof of the global superiority  of
> Amer-assests in attracting  foreign capital flows.

how long will that  last?
As  to the first point it is not quite true what you say.  If you examine the
 US Net Financial
Position for 2004, ie, the net investment income balance  (the difference
between what the US pays and what it receives from the rest of  the world) it  
still positive ~ 30 billion!.
On the other hand, by  virtue of  the dollar being the global reserve
currency , the US   receive seignorage gains.If you look at the US Capital 
you can also see  the US from net capital gains.
As  to whom benefits, I think indeed the  US working class benefits quite a
bit from the low cost of imports and low  finance,  even at low income levels.
This is probably why Republicans keep  getting elected back to the White House
and the Congress. It is important also  to notice the huge advances of the
financial system since the 1980's so that it  can now not only offer credit to
low income households but also its ability to  fijnancialize just about
anything and , for example, to package this low quality  debt in the form of 
derivatives and resale it in the global financial  markets which are happy to
gobble it up, helping the stability of the   system.
How long will it last? This is always the million dollar question.  Who
knows, nothing lasts for ever. But on the other hand it is easy to tell that  it
won't end too soon because the parties  involves all benefit from the  system.
It is important to keep in mind that just because financial accounts  show a
deficit here and there, they do not signify that a big change is coming  up,
because: 1 the books might be hiding gains not shown in the accounts 2_the
powers that write the books can easily rewrite them 3- financial ratios do not
change the world: people do.
Cristobal Senior De Ruiz
Cristobal Seniot

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