The ugly stuff is that David is correct.  More Iraqis die in a few
weeks than the US looses in 3 years.  I don't think either party would
count one of their lives to be worth one vote in November.  At this
point, I doubt that the Palestinians put much value on an Israeli life
-- If I were in their place, I probably would not either.

The Palestinians have a reason.  They have been under the gun.  The US
nationistic jingoism is inexcusable.  The only time the US talks about
internationalism is when the other party falls into line.

Why do people have to say, "I love America, but this war is wrong."
Besides if they love America, why do the Americans from Mexico bother
them so much.

End of rant.

On Wed, Jul 19, 2006 at 01:33:38PM -0400, Louis Proyect wrote:
> >Obviously, the Israelis value their lives more than Arab lives, just as
> >the Arabs value their lives more than Israeli lives, just as every
> >nationality values the lives of its nationals more than the lives of other
> >nationalities, so what is the point?  That the Israelis act like a
> >nation-state and prefer their own nationals?  I just don't understand the
> >substantive point.
> >
> >David Shemano
> This is really ugly stuff. Shemano should stick to libertarian economics.
> --

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321
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