Aug. 15
Are You Now or Have You Ever...

If you want to take a job at some public universities in Ohio, you'll
need to fill out a form declaring that you have no ties (as described
in six broad questions) to any terrorist groups as defined by the U.S.
State Department.

The form was created this year by Ohio law and applies to all new
employees of state agencies. The universities that are starting to
have new employees fill out the forms say that they are just following
the law. But the American Association of University Professors says
that the forms are even broader than McCarthy-era loyalty oaths, are
unconstitutional, and "gravely" threaten academic freedom.

In a letter sent to the president of the University of Akron, one of
the institutions starting to use the forms, the AAUP said that asking
potential faculty members to certify that they have never provided any
help to any such group threatens "a broad range of clearly protected
free speech and academic freedom." The letter was sent on the AAUP's
behalf by Robert M. O'Neil, a professor of law at the University of
Virginia and director of the Thomas Jefferson Center for the
Protection of Free Expression.

Akron officials said that they had surveyed all of the state's public
universities and that all were using the form, although some were
excluding graduate fellowships and many were not requiring student
work-study employees to sign. Ohio State University and the University
of Cincinnati confirmed that they were using the form.

The new form asks potential employees six questions and any "Yes"
answer is grounds for not getting the job. Refusing to answer a
question is also considered an affirmative answer. The questions are:

* Are you a member of an organization on the U.S. Department of State
Terrorist Exclusion List?

* Have you used any position of prominence you have with any country
to persuade others to support an organization on the U.S. Department
of State Terrorist Exclusion List?

* Have you knowingly solicited fund or other things of value for an
organization on the U.S. Department of State Terrorist Exclusion List?

* Have you solicited any individual for membership in an organization
on the U.S. Department of State Terrorist Exclusion List?

* Have you committed an act that you know, or reasonably should have
known, affords "material support or resources" to an organization on
the U.S. Department of State Terrorist Exclusion List?

* Have you hired or compensated a person you knew to be a member of an
organization on the U.S. Department of State Terrorist Exclusion List,
or a person you knew to be engaged in planning, assisting or carrying
out an act of terrorism?

There is a provision for appealing a job denial related to refusing to
fill out the form. However, the form required for an appeal asks many
of the same questions in different ways. For example, to file an
appeal, one would need to answer the question "to which organization
on the Terrorist Exclusion List was material assistance provided?"

Academic groups have long opposed job requirements that include
questions of the "are you now or have you ever been a member" variety.
O'Neil of the AAUP said that the Ohio forms were more dangerous in
some ways than those of the McCarthy era because the new requirements
"are vaguer than those of the earlier era."

Many professors who would never help a terrorist group in any way
would balk at answering questions such as these, which could be
subject to interpretation or be used against professors who hold
unpopular views. He also noted that there is not always broad
agreement on which groups are terroristic and that asking professors
whom they have persuaded to hold certain views is antithetical to
academic values in many ways.

Paul Herold, a spokesman for Akron, said that officials there were
surprised to receive the AAUP letter because the university is only
carrying out the law and so are many other universities. "We are an
agency of the state. We are compelled to follow the law," he said. "It
is the role of the AAUP to speak out on these issues and not the role
of the university."

O'Neil of the AAUP said that the association would also protest to any
other Ohio universities found to be having new faculty members fill
out the forms. He noted a series of court cases rejecting loyalty
oaths in various forms, and said that while he agrees that
universities must follow the law, there is more to that than just
going along. "A concerned administrator might in a case of uncertain
application and constitutional doubt such as the one seek
clarification, including a ruling by the state's attorney general," he

In 1970, O'Neil recalled, when John Millett was chancellor of the Ohio
Board of Regents, he told legislators that he didn't have time to
appoint the hearing officers needed to carry out a law that was passed
— to the dismay of many academics — to make it easier for public
universities to kick out students who engaged in protests. The law
wasn't enforced, O'Neil said, in part because university
administrators stood up for principles. "A simple administrative
mandate should not end the matter," he said of the current situation.

Another flaw in the new law, he said, is that it won't work. Would a
terrorist committed to mass murder really lose sleep over giving a
false answer on an Ohio form? "Real terrorists are not going to be
deterred by this. If you have someone bent on infiltrating a state
agency, it's not going to do anything," he said. All the new form
does, he added, is create problems for "conscientious academics."

— Scott Jaschik

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