Charles, it's unclear to me whether you think fascism is already here, or
are just worried about the possibility of fascism down the road, which is
quite a different thing.

Do you consider the the Bush administration is "fascist", as some on the
left do?

CB: Hello Marvin. I 'd say fascist in foreign policy, proto-fascist in
"domestic" policy.


If so, what if the "fascist" Bush administration were at some point
succeeded by one which outlawed elections, other political parties,
unions,demonstrations, judicial review of its decisions, press and internet
criticism, etc. and organized its party ranks to terrorize dissidents and
the poor - what would you call that regime? Wouldn't it represent a
qualitative change in the American political situation from what currently

CB: That would be proto-fascist domestic policy becoming fascist.


Most people would say yes. That's what fascism means to them.

CB: Include me im most people.


 They think they'd lose whatever rights they now have to criticize and
organize against the government. These rights, however imperfect, matter to
them. Would you challenge them on this?

CB: See above. I agree. We are not fascist now, but there is a clear danger
of becoming fascist, and the trend has been to move to the right over the
last twenty-five years. In a dialectical sense, looking at direction, trend,
the direction is toward fascism, the state is proto-fascist. Like
pre-cancerous cells, to use a metaphor. There is a qualitative accumulation
of changes in the U.S. state, law, politicians toward the right. At some
point, quantitaive change turns into qualitative rightwing change of the
type you describe as fascism, what I said was domestic fascist policy.


No doubt there are conservatives within the Republican party who want to
curb the democratic rights which the masses have fought for and won under
capitalism, and perhaps it even harbours closet fascists who would like to
eliminate these entirely, but so long as these rights exist, and however
much they're threatened, we don't live under fascism.

CB: That's right. It's only Yugoslavs, Iraqis and others who live under our


I don't think you'd find anyone on the left who has lived both under fascism
and under the Bush administration saying they're the same thing.

CB: However, you do have people who have lived under fascism who say that
the current regime in the executive and the legislative, on the federal,
state and county levels is proto-fascism. There have been a number of people
announcing that in articles posted here. They lived in Nazism, and this
reminds them of Germany before it turned fully fascist, things remind them
of the early Hitler governments. You've seen those testimonies, no ?

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