On 11/6/06, Doug Henwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What's "post-modernism"?

e-lists are really good example of phenomena that gang of four's jon
king described to me quite a few years ago now as a dog returning to
its own vomit...

a possible answer to above might be: stenography of surfaces, no
references or citations needed, in fact one can even make stuff up
such as karl marx and the pirate jean lafitte strolling down a chelsea
lane in the evening (no matter that lafitte had been dead for years
prior to this - will provide citations upon request)...

another possible answer might be: marx in the 18th brumaire, ironic
and playful...

still another might answer might be...oh hell, this could go on for
long time, terry eagleton offers 16 different definitions of concept
*ideology* in his book of that title, now eagleton is pretty critical
of post-modernism but that seems pretty damn postmodern to me...

as my friend bobbie likes to say: there are no truths except for
*apparent* fact that there are no truths...

think i'll go listen to veruca salt's *seether*...   mh

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