Hmmm, and I thought it would be a sorority of swans...

Recipe at the bottom.

A plague of swans

A series of mild winters and strict conservation laws mean their numbers
are rising as never before. But the huge flocks are stripping rivers of
vegetation, depleting fish stocks and threatening other birds' survival

By Marie Woolf, Political Editor
Published: 31 December 2006

The swan, beautiful, graceful and protected by Royal Charter, is
becoming a nuisance and a threat to the environment.

After a string of mild winters, the bird's numbers are increasing
exponentially and there are now so many of them they are threatening
pond ecosystems.

Since 1990 the population of mute swans has increased by a quarter, with
more than 30,000 of the birds living in England. The numbers have grown
so rapidly that flocks of up to 50 juveniles are congregating in rivers
where they feed avidly, stripping them of vegetation and driving out
other river birds.

The swans' burgeoning numbers are now threatening fish, birds and other
animals that rely on the vegetation to survive. They are also depriving
fish of their camouflage, making them more vulnerable to predators such
as herons and kingfishers.

Anglers have formally complained to the Government that there is now a
shortage of fish and have asked for the swans to be culled. But
ministers say they are powerless to act because most swans are owned by
the Queen or protected from culling by law.

"There are more and more swans and they are really threatening
biodiversity. We can't do anything because they are heavily protected,"
said one ministerial source.

Among the species under threat from the swans are migratory sea trout,
sticklebacks, Atlantic salmon and perch. Birds including the yellow
wagtail and green sandpiper also rely on the vegetation that swans eat.

Swans survival rates have been helped not only by unusually mild
weather, but also by the phasing out of lead in fishing tackle and in
gunshot which poisoned swans in the past. The swans are forming
unusually large flocks before they find their mate for life, at which
time they establish their own territory and feed in pairs, posing less
of a threat to the habitat. Experts say they have never witnessed so
many swans flocking in one place.

The Government's nature watchdog Natural England is now assessing the
impact of the birds on the ecosystem. They are focusing on the River
Avon, where up to 180 species of aquatic plant have been recorded and
flocks of 50 swans have been spotted congregating for a week at a time.

Conservationists say they will not consider killing swans until all
other options, including relocation, have been considered. Since the
12th century, all unmarked swans on the Thames have been owned by the
monarch. Others are protected by strict laws. But conservationists are
considering applying for the right to reduce swan numbers by removing
eggs from their nests or even oiling eggs so they do not hatch.

"Natural England will be working with river keepers from January to
monitor the whole river system to unravel the possible impact on
insects, plants and animals that rely on the river for survival," said a
spokeswoman. "Once we have a better idea of what is happening we can
plan a way forward. Any control of numbers would be a last resort, and
we would remind members of the public that swans are protected under the
Wildlife and Countryside Act and it is illegal for anyone to kill or
injure them."

Recipe: A medieval way to roast a swan

Ingredients: One swan (with giblets); lard; salt; broth; toasted
breadcrumbs; ginger; galingale (an aromatic root); red wine vinegar

To prepare a swan (from Middle English): Wash him, & do on a spit & lard
him fair & roast him well; & make a fair carving. Sauce: Take the issue
[giblets] & wash it well, & scour the guts well with salt, & boil the
issue all together, & wash it well & hew it small, & take bread & powder
of ginger & of galingale & grind together & temper it with the broth, &
colour it with the blood. And when it is boiled & ground & strained,
salt it, & boil it & season it with vinegar.


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