On 1/9/07, Louis Proyect <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
After dropping out of the SWP in 1979, I got involved with Central American
solidarity around two years later. For most of the decade, this involvement
brought me into contact with a wide range of Catholic support groups in the
USA and with "liberation theology" in Nicaragua. Delegations to Nicaragua
inevitably included a visit to a cathedral in Managua where services
conducted along "liberation theology" guidelines. (That being said, nobody
could ever miss the fact that most of the attendees were foreigners.)

One of my favorite all time stories: Fidel Castro visited a collective
farm during his first trip to Nicaragua following the Revolution in
that country. One elderly campesino asked him about his religion.
Castro replied that he was a non-believer. The fellow responded by
asking Castro what kind of revolutionary could he be, after all the
guy asserted, he had learned about revolution in church.

Several years hence, Castro proposed that the CCP allow for members
who professed religious faith. His motion was defeated.  Michael

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