Charles Murray had an editorial in yesterday's WSJ titled "Aztecs v Greeks":,pubID.25474/pub_detail.asp

He makes some delightful observations as:
Because giftedness is not to be talked about, no one tells high-IQ
children explicitly, forcefully and repeatedly that their intellectual
talent is a gift. That they are not superior human beings, but lucky
ones. That the gift brings with it obligations to be worthy of it.

Does he know that this theory is about 200 years old now. The earlier
version of it was called "The White Man's Burden".

The gifted should not be taught to be nonjudgmental; they need to
learn how to make accurate judgments. They should not be taught to be
equally respectful of Aztecs and Greeks; they should focus on the best
that has come before them, which will mean a light dose of Aztecs and
a heavy one of Greeks.

This guy is seriously reaching now.. Where does he get his knowledge
of Aztec culture (or Greek culture for that matter) to make such
judgements on?


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