January 19, 2007
Fed Chief Warns That Entitlement Growth Could Harm Economy

WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 — Warning against complacency over the federal
deficit, Ben S. Bernanke, the Federal Reserve chairman, said Thursday
that recent positive trends on the budget were a "calm before the
storm," masking a long-term danger posed by looming deficits in Social
Security and Medicare.

"The longer we wait, the more severe, the more draconian, the more
difficult the adjustment is going to be," Mr. Bernanke said in
response to a question at a Senate hearing about when lawmakers should
tackle the growth of spending in the twin entitlement programs. "I
think the right time to start is about 10 years ago."

Mr. Bernanke's comments were consistent with his past warnings, and
those of his predecessor, Alan Greenspan, about the unfinanced cost of
the postwar generation's retirement. But his tone was more urgent, and
it seemed aimed at the arrival of a new Democratic-led Congress that
is just now setting its priorities.

His comments also dovetailed with statements by the Treasury
secretary, Henry M. Paulson Jr., favoring efforts to curb the cost of
entitlements this year, despite skepticism among some lawmakers that
painful steps to deal with the problem cannot be taken two years
before a presidential election.

Mr. Paulson has begun discussions with leading Democrats in Congress
on Social Security and budget matters, but the administration has not
shown its hand with specific proposals. President Bush's earlier
proposal to convert a portion of Social Security benefits for some
future retirees into individual investment accounts failed to even
reach a vote in Congress.

Mr. Bernanke's tone of urgency echoed the comments of Senator Kent
Conrad, a North Dakota Democrat who has long criticized the Bush
administration's tax cuts and warned of the risk of long-term federal
deficits. Only now, Mr. Conrad was leading the hearing and welcoming
Mr. Bernanke's warnings. Before Mr. Bernanke took office, he initially
told lawmakers that he would avoid commenting on fiscal policy once he
became Fed chairman. But like his predecessors, he has found it hard
to stay out of the debate, especially when Congressional leaders
demand to hear his views.

Still, Mr. Bernanke was careful not to enter the partisan fray over
taxes and spending on Capitol Hill. He said repeatedly it was not his
role to dictate how Congress should deal with the problem, despite
efforts by Mr. Conrad and other Democrats to get him to oppose
extending the Bush administration's tax cuts, which expire in 2010.

Neither did Republican senators succeed in prodding him to praise the
Bush tax cuts specifically or tax cuts generally, as they used to be
able to do with Mr. Greenspan. The previous Fed chairman said
frequently that it would be better to reduce spending than increase
taxes, and his support of the Bush tax cuts in 2001 angered Democrats
and helped ease their passage.

Instead, Mr. Bernanke, in his first testimony since the election
remade the political landscape in Congress, said it was up to
lawmakers to decide what levels of spending on social programs are
appropriate, and then set taxes at a level necessary to pay for them.

Asked by Republicans to echo their view that tax cuts lead to
increased revenues, Mr. Bernanke said that tax cuts spur economic
growth but that they "usually do not pay for themselves" by generating
more tax revenue than they drain from the Treasury.

"I'm going to try to avoid making specific recommendations on tax
policy," he said in response to a question from Senator Judd Gregg of
New Hampshire, the ranking Republican on the Senate Budget Committee.
"I don't think there's a magic number. I only say that there is a
difficult balance there."

To another Republican senator, Wayne Allard of Colorado, Mr. Bernanke
referred to the cost of government programs and said: "Whatever it is,
you have to pay for it. That's what I'm saying."

Mr. Gregg also sought to make the point that, under Mr. Bush, the
federal deficit had declined in the last two years because of rising
tax revenues resulting from economic growth. Mr. Bernanke's entire
testimony was intended to say that, while true, this trend was
virtually irrelevant to the problem at hand.

The Fed chairman came to a hearing of the Senate Budget Committee
citing recent long term projections by the Congressional Budget Office
that Social Security and Medicare outlays will rise from 8.5 percent
of annual economic output to 10.5 percent in 2015 and 15 percent in

These costs, in turn, would force the United States to keep borrowing,
pushing the ratio of publicly held federal debt from its current level
of 37 percent of the economy to about 100 percent in 2030, a level
reached in the past only during World War II.

"If government debt and deficits were actually to grow at the pace
envisioned by the C.B.O.'s scenario, the effects on the U.S. economy
would be severe," Mr. Bernanke told the committee. He said the trends
would slow economic growth, drain away funds for private investment
and sap confidence of consumers, businesses and investors.

Mr. Paulson's negotiations with Congress have been very preliminary,
his aides say. The talks will probably not begin in earnest until
after President Bush's State of the Union speech on Jan. 23, when he
is expected to outline not only his approach on entitlements but on
the overall budget.

Mr. Bush has said that the tax cuts are all but sacrosanct in his
view, and Democratic leaders say they do not expect to try this year
to rescind even the parts of them that most benefit the rich.
Administration officials say they are waiting for the Democrats to lay
out their own approach to the budget, taxes and entitlements.

Mr. Bernanke seemed to go out of his way to agree with every
questioner, but he flatly disputed the trade views of Senator Bernard
Sanders of Vermont, newly elected as an independent but who describes
himself as a socialist and votes as a Democrat.

When Mr. Sanders said that recent trade deals with China and with
Mexico and Canada had eroded jobs, the Fed chairman said: "I don't
agree with that." He said that the nation's $800 billion trade deficit
resulted from a low savings and high consumption rate in the United
States, not those or other trade deals.

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