in my recent draft article that i sent to you the last paragraph says:
However, in as much as the growth of US capital can be dependent on the growth 
in global tensions, the pricing of oil in dollars and resource inflows, it will 
also reveal itself to be independent of that. Such independence manifests 
itself primarily as the differences within the circle of world capital 
(inter-imperialist rivalry) over the division of resources from the Near East, 
and secondly, but concomitant to that, as the needs of US capital reaches a 
threshold point requiring further adjustment or a devaluing of the wealth 
holdings in the dollar. In light of the ballooning debts of the US, the 
adjustment required here will be set by a new policy requiring concessions on 
its imperial ranking more so than just devaluation exercise a la plaza accord. 
It is here that one might expect the tables to turn inside the US. The trend 
within the US calling for the normalization of conditions with the Arabs 
re-surges strongly at this very point as a reflection of these predicaments.
 Up until the demise of the Soviet Union, the differences over the 
redistribution of resources amongst the advanced economic powers have been, for 
the greater part, mediated through politically engineered mechanisms. That is 
no longer the case, and the US is just about to become an unbearable burden on 
its imperial partners consuming much of the wealth of others with little 
guarantees on future returns. 

there is a personal wish in that, and, i do not know when. but there is a 
French movie, i think in which Pierre Richard plays the role of a activist 
whose father owns a weapons factory, and in this movie... the weapon 
manufacturer has a map of the world in 3 colours: red white and pink. red 
countries are at war, which he says are good for business white are the 
countries he hated because they are at peace and pink were countries that could 
be potentially at war. and in that map Switzerland was pink and the police 
officer who just arrested his son asks him why is Switzerland pink and he 
answers: it is a personal dream of mine.
recalling of course the jealousy that is there between the french bourgeois 
whose former domestics in the early twentieth century were swiss who later hit 
it rich thanks to banking secrecy and a good war

----- Original Message ----
From: Yoshie Furuhashi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 8, 2007 4:56:17 PM
Subject: Re: The Great Dollar Crash of 2007

On 2/8/07, soula avramidis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> sorry i meant inter imperialist rivalry is no longer as intense between the
> advanced formation.

I see.  No question about it, for sure.

> differences in the imperialist camp become acute over
> natural resources in the near east

Do you see this happening, any time in the near future?


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