Stolen from OPE-L

Chavez comments on Build it Now: Socialism for the Twenty-first Century (New 
Monthly Review Press, 2006)

Chapter 7, .The Revolution of Radical Needs: Behind the Bolvarian Choice of a 
Socialist Path.

Michael Lebowitz sent me a good work,[.]a chapter of a book about Venezuela, 
Revolution of Radical Needs.. A revolution has to satisfy people.s needs in a 
way -- that is at the root. and therefore this revolution has to become more 
and more 
radical because, as Karl Marx said, for human beings the root is human beings 
themselves. . I stress Michael Lebowitz. concept, .the revolution of radical 
satisfying our people.s needs. Who better than them to say what their radical 
are, their root needs? I am, in fact, I admit it, excited about the subject of 
Communal Councils, because we are in a hurry, that is. Today we are beginning 
receive your amazing creativity, you who come up with projects, put forward 
.The revolution of those radical needs., that is the objective of the 

Hugo Chávez, Aló President No. 252, 9 April 2006 
Chapter 5, .Socialism Doesn.t Drop from the Sky.
But let.s look at reality as well as discourse, because in this other 
book--which I 
recommend-- by Michael Lebowitz, .Socialism Doesn.t Fall from the Sky.; good 
Socialism isn.t going fall on us from the sky, we are going to have to 
understand it, 
work on it, plant it, sweat over it.
Now in this part, he refers to and reminds us of one of Karl Marx.s theses, 
socialism is built through practice, it has to be built through practice. 
I.ll read some: only one way, practice itself. But these people don.t fall from 
sky. He.s talking about the new people. I am going to go back a bit.
My good friend Michael, Marta Harnecker.s partner, says here: .No one 
better in the twentieth century the importance of developing new, socialist 
beings than Che Guevara. He understood that if you try to build socialism with 
help of the .dull instruments left us by capitalism (the commodity as the 
cell, individual material interest as the lever, etc.)., the effect is to 
the development of consciousness. To build the new society, he stressed, it is 
necessary, simultaneous with the new material foundations, to build the new man 
the new woman..
It.s not enough to set up socialist companies, to take back companies and now 
coordinate them or encourage them under the new legal concepts of 
self-management or 
co-management, collectivism is not enough. No, comrade, the soul is the new 
being, the new man, the new woman.
Then, further on Michael says the following. .There is only one way: practice.. 
he adds, .but these people don.t drop from the sky.. They won.t come wearing 
parachutes, here come the new people, the new human being is dropping from the 
The stork won.t bring them. 
.There is only one way in which they are produced . through their own activity. 
by exercising both their mental and manual capabilities in every aspect of 
lives do human beings develop those capabilities; they produce in themselves 
capacities that allow them to carry out new activities... 
Alright, I.ll continue here: .The simultaneous changing of circumstances, now 
attention to these two details, the simultaneous changing of circumstances and 
self-change, (what Marx called .revolutionary practice.) is how we build the 
society and the new human beings...
Well, I´ll leave it at that but I recommend this good book, booklet to go by 
size, but the content is big, .Socialism doesn.t fall from the sky.

Hugo Chávez, Aló President No.263, 21 January 2007
-- Michael Perelman Economics Department California State University Chico, CA 

Tel. 530-898-5321
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