I don't deny the existence of Nixon's political business cycle, but
this story ignores the role of the dollar in the mess. Until 1973,
there was an effort to keep the dollar at par.

BTW, Michael, could you put space between paragraphs for readability's
sake? thanks.

On 3/4/07, Michael Perelman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Abrams, Burton A. 2006. "How Richard Nixon Pressured Arthur Burns: Evidence 
from the
Nixon Tapes." Journal of Economic Perspectives, 20: 4 (Fall): pp. 177-88.
 He transcribe many Nixon tapes regarding the president's relationship to Arthur
 177: "In Nixon's 1962 (p. 309-10) book, Six Crises, he recounts that Arthur 
called on him in March 1960 to warn him that the economy was likely to dip 
the November election.  Nixon writes that Burns "urged strongly that everything
possible be done to avert this development.  He urgently recommended that two 
be taken immediately:  by loosening up on credit and, where justifiable, by
increasing spending for national security."  But when then-Vice President Nixon 
this recommendation to the Eisenhower Cabinet, "there was strong sentiment 
using the spending and credit powers of the Federal Government to affect the
economy, unless and until conditions clearly indicated a major recession in
prospect."  Nixon sums up: "Unfortunately Arthur Burns turned out to be a good
prophet."  Herbert Stein (1995, p. 96), who was a member of the Council of 
Advisers from the start of Nixon's term and became chairman at the start of 
confirms that Nixon blamed a modest rise in the unemployment rate as one of the
reasons he lost the 1960 election."
 180: October 10, 1971 (Conversation No. 607-11): Nixon, speaking Burns, 
his concern about the economy: "I don't want to go out of town fast," he said,
apparently referring to the possibility of losing his upcoming reelection bid.
Nixon tells Burns that "this will be the last Conservative administration in
Washington,"  perhaps seeking to raise Burns's concerns that Nixon might lose 
election.  Nixon claims that the "liquidity problem," by which he seems to mean 
problem of too much liquidity in the system, is "just bullshit"."
 183: February 14, 1972 (Conversation 670-5): "[Office of Management and Budget
Director George] Shultz reports that Burns is quite optimistic about the 
Nixon views Burns's optimism with suspicion: "Another defense he's building up 
not raising the money supply ....  I'd rather he weren't so optimistic ..."  
and Nixon conclude that Burns is not expansionary enough with monetary policy. 
becomes very critical of Burns.  "This is the last time I want to see him ...
[garbled] or get the hell out of here. War is going to be declared if he doesn't
come around some."  Nixon notes further that Burns is "talking to the Jewish 
 183: Conversation continues: "Shultz recounts a story. At Burns's swearing-in
ceremony, Robert C. Holland, Secretary of the Board of Governors, commented that
Frederic V. Malek would make a good addition to the Board.  Shultz claims that
Burns, upon hearing this suggestion, "glowed because that is the guy he wants 
to see
on the Board.  He will control him, just absolutely."  Shultz goes on to say 
Burns also "would like to get [Andrew] Brimmer off the Board."
 185: Ehrlichman, John. 1982. Witness to Power (NY: Simon and Schuster) 
describes a
meeting between Nixon and Burns on October 23, 1969, just after Burns's 
to the Fed had been announced: "My relations with the Fed," Nixon said, "will be
different than they were with [previous Federal Reserve chairman] Bill Martin 
He was always six months too late doing anything.  I'm counting on you, Arthur, 
keep us out of a recession." "Yes, Mr. President," Burns said, lighting his pipe. 
don't like to be late." Nixon continued. "The Fed and the money supply are more
important than anything the Bureau of the Budget does." Burns nodded. "Arthur, I
want you to come over and see me privately anytime ..." "Thank you, Mr. 
Burns said. "I know there's the myth of the autonomous Fed . . ." Nixon barked a
quick laugh. "... and when you go up for confirmation some Senator may ask you 
your friendship with the President.  Appearances are going to be important, so 
can call Ehrlichman to get messages to me, and he'll call you."
 187: "As Nixon had told Burns in February 1972, "I really don't care what you 
do in
[or after] April." One year after the election, in November 1973, the Federal
Reserve had hit the monetary policy brakes in earnest. In the year since the
November 1972 election, the discount rate had been increased from 4.5 percent in
July 1972 to 7.5 percent. The federal funds rate, which had been 4.49 percent in
July 1972, jumped to 9.71 percent."

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321
E-Mail michael at ecst.csuchico.edu

Jim Devine / "The truth is more important than the facts." -- Frank Lloyd Wright

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