At around 31/3/07 1:08 pm, Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:
> Most workers, intellectuals, and others on the Left in India who vote
> for the CPI(M), the Congress, etc. probably do so not to celebrate the
> Indian model of neoliberal capitalism but to back the lesser evil in
> fear of the BJP-led right-wing coalition, which is indeed fearsome,
> notorious for massacres of Muslims and others.  What's the way to
> overcome the lesser evil politics?

Do not look for any answers from or in India. Even greater than the
threat of support among the public for the "Sang Parivar" (BJP being,
sadly, only its front for polite mixed company), is that of the
enchantment for naive capitalism. Attempting a conversation with anyone
younger than 50 in India (from the urban middle class) is like being
back in the 80s amongst the Reaganites minus the malice.

The sort of wishful thinking is complemented by unthinking parroting of
 the dregs of Western neo-lib-intellectualism by the top stars of the
Indian "revolution". The home page of Infosys Technologies challenges
you thus: "So what makes you a flat world company?".

So, if the US hegemony is coming to an end and the cold war no longer
defines ideological struggle, the new poles are brute-force capitalism
(the experiments of India and China) and populism (Chavez).

Just my opinion,


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