what would it take to alleviate poverty in the Arab world? according to a UN 
expert group meeting this:

"Policy Recommendations
Policy recommendations during the expert group meeting referred to the content 
of the upcoming UN 2007 MDG Report as well as to the cooperation between 
Governments of Arab countries and regional UN organizations. There was a 
general consensus for the need to harmonize national and international 
statistics, particularly in the areas of education, health, and employment.  In 
addition, they agreed that national efforts have to be increased to improve the 
coverage and accuracy of data reporting. Several Government officials 
highlighted the importance of customizing the MDG’s to the Arab region. They 
agreed that more weight should be given to conflict-related difficulties and to 
the obstacles that conflict places on making progress towards the attainment of 
the MDGs. Some government representatives emphasized the need to create 
additional forums for the exchange of ideas and experiences between Arab 
countries in their efforts to attain the MDG’s. Several Government officials
 asked the UN organizations to assist in estimating the costs of attaining the 
MDGs, and accordingly, to offer financing solutions."

 This is utterly shocking nothing about the role of instituions the formation 
of social classes predatory states and imperialism nothing about fiscal and 
monetaruy procedures nothin ziltch zero.

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