Counterpunch, May 2, 2007
Criminalizing Art
Trouble in Turkey


I was in court again last week, summoned in connection with the
Turkish Penal Code (TCK) Article 301 charge of 'insulting
Turkishness' by displaying a couple of collage pictures I had made of
the Turkish Prime Minister, Recip Tayyip Erdogan last year, depicting
him as a pet dog of America. I was surprised at the sudden summons
(brought to my door by a plain-clothes policeman). Having being held
in police custody for 10 days last September, and then suddenly
released, I'd presumed that the case was over. . Apparently not; and
when I went with my lawyer to the courthouse, there was my name on
the list as the accused; the plaintiff: Tayyip Erdogan.

The foyer on the second floor was crowded with folk, some in
handcuffs with guards, waiting to have their cases heard by the
judges in their little courtrooms. (There is no jury system in
Turkey. Decisions are made by a board of judges or a sole judge
depending on the nature of the case.)

My case was to be heard at 11-30, but because of a power cut, it was
adjourned until afternoon. When my lawyer and I returned from lunch,
there was a street dog lying streched out asleep on the pavement in
front of the entrance to the courthouse. Ironic.

The hearing lasted about 45 minutes. In my defense I said that my
pictures had not meant to be personally insulting to Tayyip Erdogan,
but to show his position as a close friend and ally of George W Bush,
and the fact that 90 nuclear bombs are stored on Turkish soil at the
American airbase in Incilik.



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