I did look at them, Michael, but didn't have anything useful to say
as a result.


On May 27, 2007, at 2:38 PM, Michael Perelman wrote:

Last night, I sent to URLs in response to Charlie's message
regarding IBM.  Probably
because I did not give much context, nobody seems to have looked at
either article.

Both are relatively short, regarding how IBM is screwing up in its
outsourcing and
probably risking the long-term survival of the company -- at least
as a major

The idea is that underbidding its contracts and then cutting costs
to make them more
profitable is destroying the reputation of the company.


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321
E-Mail michael at ecst.csuchico.edu

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