I don't make predictions, Charles, like that.  Just like I don't predict
when the oil is going to run out, or when capitalism will be overthrown.

I did predict in 2004 that Bush would suspend the election, and I came
close on that one as Tom Ridge did develop plans to do just that "if
events warranted."

But then, I also predicted Carter would beat Reagan.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Charles Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 1:52 PM
Subject: [PEN-L] What is Marx's view of fiscal policy ?

> *       From: "s.artesian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> If anybody wants to know my analysis of the recent
> period, and I realize that is a big "if," you can
> check out the archives at: http://thewolfatthedoor.blogspot.com
> Look at Wages of Overproduction, 96 Tears, and others.
> None of this, and I'm not afraid of anyone "biting" me
> on my analysis, has anything to do with workers ability
> to purchase products, nor fictitious capital.
> ^^^^^
> CB: How about a prediction from you as to when the next depression
will hit
> ?

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