On 8/2/07, Jim Devine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> by the way, let me know when hippies think of themselves, and act as, 
> 'hippies'. No, they > often act like hippies. But sometimes they think they 
> aren't hippies.

On a tangent, that can also be applied to the question "what is a
'worker'... What is a "hippie"?

I'm in favor of this analysis:

Jim Devine:
Althusser and his followers defined the "working class" as a position
within the class system, as those lacking ownership of the means of
production and thus forced to work for others to survive. (nuances

Now... back to 'hippies'... There's one working at the local county
building as a computer programmer, who had left to 'tour with the
'dead'', including The Pyramids in Egypt... and came back to Santa
Cruz to start... from scratch... the Homeless Community Resource
Center, and proceeded to 'jack up' the city, county, feds etc to fund

Karen (Gillette) went back to being programmer for the county after a
few years as director. She hated the bureaucracy-related politics of
funding etc.

CRCH is still in operation however, out by River st.& Hwy 1, with a
nice new multi-story building to house homeless pregnant women, and
Page Smith house for folks with substance abuse issues. Meals served 6
days a week, a bay of showers and a laundry area, a health crew that
shows up weekly.. a mailroom that's actually a post office substation.

It all started as a vacant lot with a semi-legal tent camp constantly
harassed by the SCPD.
Then, there's this kind of 'hippie':

More specifically, a fine specimen of 'Russian Rainbow' hippie:

The story focus of how the media re-hashed(sic) the 'Pot Psychosis'
story months later and how they spun it till it no longer even
resembled what the study said is worth looking at too.

Apparently, marijuana does not cause psychosis at all, but CBCs and
CBDs, the 'breakdown by-products' of THC actually *relieve* psychosis
in Schizophrenics, and the still present THC interferes with the
process which is spun to mean that pot smoking cuses psychosis..

Pretty sick spin... Makes me dizzy. Must go.... umn... medicate.

"We have come for your daughters!" --anonymous hippie

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