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Ecological Crisis and Social Transformation:
Joel Kovel speaks on Eco-Socialism for the 21st Century

Friday, September 21
7pm, SFU Harbour Centre, 515 W. Hastings
Room 1900
Admission: Suggested donation $5-10

Joel Kovel is both a scholar and an activist. In the former capacity he
has published nine books and over a hundred articles and reviews,
including The Enemy of Nature: The End of Capitalism or The End of the
World (Zed, 2002). Since 2003 he has been Editor-in-Chief of the
quarterly journal, Capitalism Nature Socialism.

As an activist, Joel Kovel has been engaged in struggles for peace and
justice since the Vietnam War era. He has worked within the antiwar and
antinuclear movements, the solidarity movements in Central America and
the Caribbean, the movements for democratic media, and, increasingly,
for ecological transformation. Kovel joined the Green Party since 1990.
In 1998, he was the Green Party candidate for US Senator from New York,
and in 2000 sought their Presidential nomination.

Sponsored by: Seven Oaks Magazine (www.SevenOaksMag.com)
Endorsed by: People's Coop Bookstore, International Socialists,
Vancouver Socialist Forum.

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