Opening a new front
Seumas Milne

October 11, 2007 9:00 PM / GUARDIAN

Today's announcement on al-Jazeera TV of the launch of a Political
Council of the Iraqi Resistance, which brings together the main
non-al-Qaida Islamist groups in the Sunni areas, is likely to prove a
landmark in the emergence of a coherent leadership for the armed
campaign against the US occupation.

The new front, first reported in the Guardian in July, has published a
14-point programme, declaring the armed resistance against illegal
foreign occupation to be the legitimate representatives of the Iraqi
people; rejecting as null and void all constitutional arrangements and
laws passed under the occupation; calling for the establishment of an
interim government and the defence of Iraq's territorial integrity;
and rejecting sectarianism and attacks on "the innocent".

Underlying the new front, which has been many months in the making, is
a rejection of the tactics and ideology of al-Qaida (which accounts
for a minority of armed attacks) , and a determination to give the
resistance movement a political face in preparation for an eventual
American pullout.

Despite a drop off in the rate of attacks on occupation and US-backed
Iraqi forces in the past couple of months in the wake of the US surge
(they were running at about 5,000 a month in the summer), there is no
doubt that it is the resistance campaign that has played the decisive
role in bringing the most powerful army in the world to the brink of
defeat and driving the issue of withdrawal to the top of the political
agenda in Washington. Its weakness has been in the lack of common
cause between the Sunni-based resistance and the anti-occupation
forces in the predominantly Shia areas.

Crucially, however, today's new political council does not include two
of the groups who originally signed up to the plan for a united front
-- the most important of which is the nationalist-Islamic 1920
Revolution Brigades.

The Brigades have held back because of disputes over the attitude of
some other groups towards the US-sponsored "tribal awakening" movement
against al-Qaida, which has led to some on the fringes of the
Sunni-based resistance to co-operate with US forces. One group which
signed up to today's resistance council, Iraqi Hamas, has been
reportedly working with the US military in Diyala province to expel
al-Qaida from the area. There are also differences over links with
parties taking part in the US-sponsored political process.

The Brigades, which recently released a statement in English with a
clear anti-capitalist as well as anti-imperialist message, have left
the door open to joining with the new political council. This promises
to be the start of a process which will shape the future of Iraq.

Jim Devine / "The truth is at once less sinister and more dangerous."
-- Naomi Klein.

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