Waterboarders Protest Negative Media Stereotypes
Angry Torturers March on Washington

[by Andy Borowitz]

Furious about what they see as negative media stereotypes about
waterboarding, a group representing the nation's waterboarders marched
on Washington today.

The group, which calls itself the National Association of
Waterboarders and Controlled Drowners, is the largest organization of
its kind, representing over 20,000 of the nation's waterboarders.

Waterboarders across the country have silently seethed for the past
week as members of the Senate Judiciary Committee grilled Attorney
General nominee Michael Mukasey about his views on the controversial
interrogation technique.

But after several days of hearing senators repeatedly denigrate the
practice on national television, waterboarders "have had enough," said
Carol Foyler, executive director of the waterboarders' group.

"When senators use the words 'controlled drowning,' people ignore the
'controlled' part and focus on the 'drowning' part," Ms. Foyler said.
"As someone who spent years of training to become a licensed
waterboarder, I'm deeply offended by this."

Braving chilly November temperatures to make their point about the
media's negative stereotyping of them, the angry torturers got some
moral support when one of their most prominent advocates, Vice
President Dick Cheney, emerged from his secure undisclosed location to
address them.

The vice president received a thunderous ovation from the crowd when
he proposed that the government earmark $1.6 billion to improve the
media image of waterboarding and waterboarders.

"There's nothing wrong with waterboarding that a little public
relations makeover wouldn't fix," the vice president told the crowd.
"For starters, why not call it dunking?"

[it was not revealed what the Torturer-in-Chief's position was on this
crucial issue.]

Jim Devine / "Segui il tuo corso, e lascia dir le genti." (Go your own
way and let people talk.) --  Karl, paraphrasing Dante.

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