this sounds a bit like the idea I proposed awhile for the imperialist
occupiers of Iraq[*]  a while ago, i.e., feudalism from above. Power
is being devolved to various militias, former resistance groups,
tribal leaders, etc.

[*] your tax dollars at work!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Juan Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Nov 21, 2007 11:47 PM
Subject: Abu Abd and Baghdad Security

{from the Arabic press] ... Sa'd Uraibi al-Ubaidi, known as "Abu Abd",
the 'tribal awakening' leader who, it claims, now controls most of the
Sunni Arab neighborhoods of Baghdad. Al-Ubaidi, 35, had served as an
officer in the Baath Army. He joined the guerrilla movement against
the Americans, being active in the "Islamic Army." He then joined a
'tribal council' and allied with the Americans against the Salafi
radicals, some of whom style themselves 'al-Qaeda.' He told al-Hayat
that he had had no choice but to ally with the Americans once
"al-Qaeda" turned into Iraq's 'biggest enemy.' He said he and his
companions had once fought the Americans "honorably," but that they
now conclude 3-month-long security agreements with them, which can be

Six months ago, Abu Abd formed and began heading the Awakening Council
of the Knights of Mesopotamia, most of the 600 members of which had
earlier belonged to the 'Islamic Army.' It is based in the Baghdad
districts of al-Amiriya, al-Khadra, al-Jami'a, and al-Adhamiya. He
said that the US needs "resistance units" to control hot districts so
as to establish security in them, something that Iraqis, he said, need
as well. Al-Hayat maintains that his 600 fighters receive a monthly
salary of $360 from the US, and that recently 300 of them were
regularized as members of the al-Amiriya district police force after
they passed medical exams. He maintains that there should be further
such integration of his men with government institutions. Abu Abd says
that in addition to salaries, the US provides logistical support and
advanced weapons, as well as targeted help in case they get into a
major firefight with the Salafi Jihadis. Abu Abd says that 70 Shiite
families have now been enabled to return to mainly Sunni Arab
al-Amiriya, because of the improved security his men provide.

Jim Devine / "Segui il tuo corso, e lascia dir le genti." (Go your own
way and let people talk.) --  Karl, paraphrasing Dante.

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