On Dec 5, 2007 3:08 PM, michael a. lebowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 03:17 PM 05/12/2007, raghu wrote:
> >Some I think are very bad
> >ideas e.g. ending the autonomy of the central bank. It may be one
> >thing to introduce some accountability but making the CB too much
> >political cannot be a good thing.
> you prefer the neo-liberal rule of finance capital?

Of course not. I just think that any good constitution must have
safeguards against the possibility that an awful leader may get
elected someday.

Also an autonomous CB is a good thing. The key is to ensure genuine
autonomy - unlike the US Fed Reserve which is autonomous from elected
politicians but controlled by Wall St puppeteers. There is a strong
case to be made for an autonomous CB run by qualified technocrats
preferably academics with a good system of accountability to elected

> The main battle in vzla with the CB was whether the bank served
> the needs of the economy as defined by the elected government
> [eg., with excess reserves not building up but being used to create
> new industries, etc] or whether it followed 'sound finance'--- you know,
> all that stuff about fight inflation as the first responsibility, etc.

I think there is a legitimate concern here. Sure some CBs go too far
with their inflation fighting but it'd be equally unwise to completely
disregard inflation. There has to be a balance. Would you trust a CB
under political control to practice good monetary policy in an
election year?


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