Very eloquent summary, Julio, which is excellent but for the lack of
attention to the overaccumulation dynamic. Doesn't that feature in your
story? (That's also where Sam, Leo, Doug, Giovanni and a few others
depart from the crisis theorists.) So in addition to, and both causing
and flowing from inequality, the Achilles Heel must include the periodic
rise of crisis tendencies to become serious factors in political
economy, geopolitics and political-ecological relations.

Julio Huato wrote:
If we regard economic theory as the highest form of ideological
rationalization of historical capitalism, then inequality is its
Achilles Heel.  There's nothing (absolutely nothing!) in the robust
elements of economic theory that can justify inequality.  That's why
the economists would rather shift the focus to markets.

Regarding (6), specifically global warming and its quickly growing
effects, the best strategy is to leverage the popular discontent
against imperialism and inequality to push for a just distribution of
the damage.

And two active campaigns stand out: 'keep the oil in the soil' (and
resources in the ground) and 'ecological debt' that the North owes the
South, both advanced by the Oilwatch network (hq just moved from Quito
to Port Harcourt) and Jubilee South. And of course campaigns to rein in
and even defund the Bretton Woods Institutions and halt the WTO and
other multilateral and bilateral power plays.

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