GROTTO DESIGN: Keepers say many people were aware of potential for
tigers to escape; 2 victims released from hospital

Steve Rubenstein, Chronicle Staff Writer

Sunday, December 30, 2007
Carlos Sousa Sr. (with glasses) at the vigil for his son ...

The two San Jose brothers mauled by a tiger on Christmas were released
from a San Francisco hospital on Saturday, hospital officials said.

Paul Dhaliwal, 19, and Kulbir Dhaliwal, 23, were escorted from a
little-used side door on the north side of San Francisco General
Hospital, according to a hospital spokeswoman, and whisked away in a
sedan without comment.

Their discharge came hours before a vigil for their friend Carlos Sousa
Jr., 17, who was killed by the 300-pound Siberian tiger at the San
Francisco Zoo. After the incident, the two brothers were rushed to the
hospital and underwent emergency surgery for claw and bite wounds to
their heads and upper bodies.

The release of the injured brothers came as zoo officials and federal
inspectors were still trying to figure out how the tiger escaped from
its outdoor grotto shortly after closing time on Christmas afternoon.

But escaping from an enclosure at the zoo is not beyond the ability of a
Siberian tiger, according to a retired longtime keeper and other zoo
veterans interviewed by The Chronicle.

And many people who worked at the zoo knew it, the keeper said.

The keeper, who spent decades at the zoo and asked not to be publicly
identified, said he got the word about Siberian tigers - and the
apparently inadequate 12 1/2-foot-high moat wall that protects the
public from them - in a most dramatic fashion, not long after he began
working at the zoo.

"I was putting a sign up in front of the tiger exhibit, with my butt
hanging over the edge," said the former keeper. "The cat was pacing back
and forth at the bottom of the grotto."

The keeper said one of his more seasoned colleagues happened by, grabbed
him by the belt loop and jerked him back, away from the edge.

"He shared the secret that people knew - the cat could jump up and take
me down," the keeper said.

And well known in zoo lore is the story about an entomologist who, as a
teenage science student in the late 1950s, visited the tiger grotto with
former zoo director Carey Baldwin to see if the enclosure was secure
enough to contain the tiger.

"Mr. Baldwin had been told by one of the zookeepers that the tiger might
be able to escape by jumping across the moat and onto the flowerbed
between the public guard rail and the moat," the entomologist, David
Rentz, recalled in a posting on his Web log.

"We got a large piece of meat and tied it to a long bamboo pole and
approached the tiger enclosure. We were at the other end of the bamboo
pole - about 15 feet away from the meat. Baldwin held the pole at the
edge of our side of the moat. Once the tiger saw it, he literally flew
across the moat from his position on the other side, grabbed the meat,
and sprung back to the grotto all in one graceful movement.

"It happened so quickly that it was hard to believe what we had seen,"
Rentz said Saturday in a telephone interview from his home in
Queensland, Australia. "It scared the hell out of me. It scared the hell
out of both of us.

"Then Mr. Baldwin closed the tiger's access to the outside - supposedly
forever," Rentz wrote on his Web log. "Notes were left to the zookeepers
to never let this tiger outside again."

Another veteran keeper who still works at the zoo agreed that an
excited, provoked or agitated animal can perform physical feats that
would be impossible under normal circumstances.

"The barriers are always suspect in a situation like this," the keeper
said. "Under ordinary circumstances, they would be adequate. If the
animal was excited, if people started throwing things, it would be

"Obviously we are going to have to look at better barriers," said the
keeper, who, like his colleague, asked not to be identified, as zoo
officials have forbidden employees from talking about the mauling.

Meanwhile, at the Oakland Zoo, officials said they plan to make the
walls around their tiger habitat higher to prevent escapes. The walls
now range from 13 1/2 to 16 feet.

At the San Francisco Zoo, insiders say nighttime security and animal
care have deteriorated over the years. There are no keepers on duty
after the zoo closes at 5 p.m., despite recommendations for
around-the-clock keepers from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, the
organization that accredits zoos. The night keepers were eliminated
about 10 years ago to save money.

At night, only one or two security guards now patrol the entire 100-acre

And a public address system that could have warned zoo visitors about
the tiger escape and urged them to take shelter or evacuate the grounds
was dismantled about 15 years ago, after zoo neighbors complained about
the noisy announcements from the loudspeakers.

Zoo administrators say the facility will reopen to the public Thursday,
although the large cats will not be on exhibit in the outdoor
enclosures. It was not immediately known what other changes will be made
in exhibits or security procedures. Zoo officials were not returning
calls or answering questions on Saturday.

The zoo Web site had no information about the most tragic event in its
78-year history, except for a one-sentence announcement saying the zoo
would not reopen until Thursday "due to the incident on Christmas."

At the vigil Saturday night outside the house of his grandmother in San
Jose, Sousa was mourned and remembered by a crowd of 80 or so people,
who carried candles and sometimes wept.

Standing on the porch in front of enlarged photos of himself and his
son, a choked-up Carlos Sousa Sr. said: "My son, Carlos, was a very good
boy and a normal kid, and he had a lot of friends. ... I want you to
remember all the good things he did and carry that in your heart as long
as you can. He will always be in my heart."

Chronicle staff writer Robert Selna contributed to this report. E-mail
Steve Rubenstein at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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