I had, again, too much "free" time, yesterday, and, again, spent it on spending 
too much on ("used") books, among them:

  "fascism as we have known it in the past was characterized by certain
traits, namely the existence of leaders, both military and civilian, w
dictatorial powers, who were supported by a large political party. and
this facist party acted as an intermediary between the dictators and
the people, whom it oppressed and brutalized rather than consulted. and
i thought, therefore, that since in france there wasnt any powerful
party, we could not be heading toward fascism. but for some time i have
been thinkging that the major party that seemed to be missing, the
party that would serve the dictators, might well be the communist party
itself. in other words, if the communist party is thought of as the
tofascist party, mediating between the masses to whom it does not give
the truth but whom it terrorized to a degree - as it did in proclaiming
that the proof the maoists and the bourgeois were working together was
in pierre overney's murder, which is the most stupid notion i have
heard - then there you have the missing link. and the way its thinkging
is going these days, it will end up .... "

  j p sartre, 1972 { and 'funnily,
  on the first page i opened at random  after i got it }

  ps: can we try "democratic" instead of the "communist"
  in the party-part?

Carrol Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Leigh Meyers wrote:
> According to a recent report by the Bureau of Justice Statistics -
> released on June 30, 2006 and revised in July 2007 - there are over 2
> million people behind bars in the United States.

I may be reading an intention not in the post, but . . .

If Leigh thinks this is evidence of u.s. fascism he is again showing his
naivete in respect to the repressive powers and practice of good
bourgeois democracies.


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