On Feb 16, 2008 5:31 AM, Ruy Lage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I tend too US involvement as always interceding on behalf of the wrong guy.
> Here I found an arrow that would suggest that line of reasoning.
> http://spookterror.blogspot.com/2008/02/cia-plot-to-topple-kenyas-leader.html
>  Except that - at least in the beginning - the US (and the one they pick)
> always wins ... and Odinga supposedly did, but if he did and the US does
> want Kibaki out of the way - I see little effort by the US to get Kibaki
> out, which is out of tune with Condolezza Rice (flashing legs in miniskirt
> and Colgate smile and all!) and her ... legwork ... for Bush's Africom!
>  Rui

Some people just watch Condi's hair to see which way the wind blows:


(Albeit, personally, I like the legs and miniskirt...)

Speaking of "...interceding on behalf of the wrong guy"... in Iraq:

"...Patrick Cockburn explains that among the main outcomes of the US
troop escalation ("surge") was the Shiite victory in the 2007 battle
for Baghdad, which has left hundreds of thousands of Sunni Arabs
homeless and often in exile in Syria.

He is also scathing on how the Awakening Councils are full of
ex-al-Qaeda fighters."


I see no contest here from Juan Cole on that conjecture, which is most
likely the end result of a trend indicated by Sy Hersh in this New
Yorker article last year:

Transcript of interview w/ Woof (Roll over boy or we'll bomb your
Baghdad hotel again) Blitzer:

al Qaeda is STILL working for U.S. goals, or is it the OTHER way around?

...or maybeeee, The goals and aims of these cretinous murderers (Bush
admin/AQ) are identical:
http://www.archive.org/details/ThePowerOfNightmares (Flash player and

DVD-Iso file: http://www.archive.org/details/ThePowerOfNightmaresDVD


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