>>(Unfortunately characters like this, who no matter their 
>>"well-meaning" guise are not capable of Socratic dialogue
>>frequent Louis' list and he can smell them coming from a 
>>mile away.)>Socratic dialogue! That's a new one! Its a good term 
>though -- single-dimensional attack on the side of 
>"scientific critique".
Well, Ravi, perhaps I/we were too quick to rush to
judgment, but Eric's demonstrated habit of countering 
qualms about what he was posting with further postings
cribbed straight from CCTV/China Daily rapidly convinced
me/us that he is an all-too-familar sort who brings more
clutter than enlightenment to "left-wing" maillists.
This sort has basically driven me off Lou's Marxmail list 
b/c so much of the discourse consists of stale nostrums
(not Lou's fault!). Maybe I/we too briskly pigeonholed Eric 
as one of these sorts when in fact he is merely naive 
to a fault... In any event I did not post my screed 
until after Eric signed off, so the issue of critical 
exchange was moot at that point.
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>Figures! Yeah, I really am quite the oaf... I don't drive a Toyota Priusor 
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