Council on Foreign Relations members Geithner and Paulson are going to
testify today before the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, a
bipartisan panel established by Congress to probe the roots of the
financial crisis. The panel may be bipartisan but at least three
members sitting on the ten member panel are members of The Council on
Foreign Relations. The CFR members on the panel include Commissioner
Douglas Holtz-Eakin, Commissioner Peter J. Wallison and Senator Bob
Graham, Was this committee chosen to act in the best interest of the
American People or the best interest of the Council on Foreign
Relations and its members?

[Council on Foreign Relations Member ] Geithner, [Council on Foreign
Relations Member ] Paulson to address meltdown probe

May 6, 4:19 AM (ET)

WASHINGTON (AP) - A special panel investigating the financial crisis
is preparing to hear from two key architects of the government's
response: Former Treasury Secretary [Council on Foreign Relations
Member ]  Henry Paulson and Treasury Secretary [Council on Foreign
Relations Member ] Timothy Geithner.

[Council on Foreign Relations Member ] Geithner and [Council on
Foreign Relations Member ] Paulson will provide their perspectives on
the so-called "shadow banking system" - a largely unregulated world of
capital and credit markets outside of traditional banks. They will
describe their roles in selling Bear Stearns to JPMorgan Chase & Co.
[run by Council on Foreign Relations Member  Jamie Dimon]  after
pressure from "shadow banking" companies made Bear the first major
casualty of the crisis.

The pair will testify Thursday morning before the Financial Crisis
Inquiry Commission, a bipartisan panel established by Congress to
probe the roots of the financial crisis. It is the first time the
panel has heard from either of the men who called the shots in late
2008 as the global financial system nearly collapsed.

The panel is looking at nonbank financial companies such as PIMCO and
GE Capital that provide capital for loans to consumers and small
businesses. When rumors spread in 2008 that Bear Stearns was
teetering, these companies started what former Bear Stearns executives
described Wednesday as a "run on the bank," drawing so much of its
capital that it could not survive.

Then-[Council on Foreign Relations Member ] Treasury Secretary Paulson
and [Council on Foreign Relations Member ] Geithner, as president of
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, engineered Bear's rescue. The
New York Fed put up a $29 billion federal backstop to limit JPMorgan's
future losses on Bear Stearns' bad investments. Bear Stearns was the
first Wall Street bank to blow up. Its demise foreshadowed the
cascading financial meltdown in the fall of that year.

The panel is investigating the roots of the crisis that plunged the
country into the most severe recession since the 1930s and brought
losses of jobs and homes for millions of Americans.

In earlier testimony before the House Committee on Oversight and
Government Reform, [Council on Foreign Relations Member ] Paulson
defended his response to the economic crisis as an imperfect but
necessary rescue that spared the U.S. financial market from total

"Many more Americans would be without their homes, their jobs, their
businesses, their savings and their way of life," he said in testimony
prepared for that hearing.
While losses have been staggering, "that suffering would have been far
more profound and disturbing" had the government not intervened,
[Council on Foreign Relations Member ] Paulson said.

In addition to [Council on Foreign Relations Member ] Geithner and
[Council on Foreign Relations Member ] Paulson, the meltdown probe
will hear Thursday from leaders of key players in the shadow banking
system including senior executives from GE Capital and asset managers
PIMCO and State Street.

In its first day of hearings on shadow banking Wednesday, the FCIC
dissected Bear Stearns as a case study, and heard from former CEOs
James Cayne and Alan Schwartz.
The commissioners challenged them and other former Bear Stearns'
executives on what caused Bear Stearns to collapse. The executives
testified that they did all they could to keep Bear Stearns afloat
before it fell victim to an unstoppable run on the bank. Its business
strategy of borrowing funds from rival firms was sound under the
crimped credit market conditions at the time, they said.

The role of federal regulators also is key in the panel's autopsy of
the financial disaster and the huge Wall Street investment banks. The
Securities and Exchange Commission's oversight of the firms - some
rotting from within from piled-up securities tied to subprime
mortgages - was criticized by lawmakers and investor advocates both
during and after the crisis.

Wednesday's hearing marked Cayne's first public appearance in the
aftermath of the crisis. Cayne was a flamboyant character who led Bear
Stearns - a firm known for its go-against-the-grain scrappiness - for
15 years.

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
power they wield? 
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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