In his book None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen wrote, “If you
wish to establish national monopolies, you must control national
governments. If you wish to establish international monopolies or
cartels, you must control a world government.” ( )

The Council on Foreign Relations has been successful in taking over
and controlling the government of the USA. The Council on Foreign
Relations and the Royal Institute of International Affairs tried to
establish the League of Nations after WWI as a way to a New World
Order and world government. Americans refused to go along, they didn’t
want to have foreign governments deciding when Americans had to go to
war, and the League of Nations failed. The CFR and RIIA were
successful in establishing the UN and at the same time took over the
US State Department. (
The CFR is changing their verbiage. Instead of a New World Order,
International Regime, or World Government the new words are “Global
Governance.” The article that follows is about the CFR “Global
Governance Conference held on May 1st 2010. Key speakers were
Bilderberg Member Jean Claude Trichet and CFR member Robert E. Rubin.
Once these secret cabals are successful in establishing their New
World Order they can control international monopolies and will have
successfully taken your freedom from you and your family. CFR, RIIA
and Bilderberg members can be related directly to the economic
meltdown and the destruction of over 40 Trillion dollars of wealth
worldwide. Was this wealth really destroyed or was it transferred to
members of these groups? Doesn’t that concern you? Shouldn’t you
contact your legislators and voice your concerns?

Council on Foreign Relations Holds “Global Governance Today”
1 May 2010 One Comment
>From the Council on Foreign Relations:
Speaker:        Jean-Claude Trichet, President, European Central Bank,
Bilderberg Member
Presider:       Robert E. Rubin, Co-chairman, Council on Foreign Relations;
Former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury
April 26, 2010
General Meeting: C. Peter McColough Series on International Economics:
Global Governance Today
This meeting was part of the C. Peter McColough Series on
International Economics.
Jean-Claude Trichet, president of the European Central Bank,
emphasized the need for global coordination of financial regulation in
an April 26 address at the Council on Foreign Relations. Trichet
argued for unified international accounting and capital standards for
banks, as well as more say for industrializing countries in
structuring global financial markets. Emerging-market economies have
become “a source of strength for the world economy,” he said, and the
economic crisis has “led to a clear recognition of their increased
economic importance and to their full integration into the
institutions of global governance.” Trichet declined to comment about
ongoing negotiations over the IMF-EU joint bailout for Greece and said
he was “confident that they will be concluded soon and rightly.” In
comparing European and U.S. views on financial reform, he said the
biggest disparities included the greater influence of investment banks
in U.S. policymaking and vastly different accounting practices between
European and U.S. companies. “We need accounting rules that will be
the same on both sides of the Atlantic,” he said.

The meeting highlights below feature former U.S. Treasury secretary
and CFR co-chair Robert Rubin, the moderator of Trichet’s discussion
with CFR members.
Highlights of the Conference
Transcript Excerpts

I think one of the most important features of the present world is
that we had an historical change of global governance, an historical
change which had been prepared when you were yourself the head of this
very important administration in the United States, with the creation,
in the occasion of the Asian crisis, of the G-20, which was not the
prime grouping for global governance, but was a very important
grouping, obviously, particularly for the working out of standards and
codes and rules and regulations. But the prime grouping for global
governance was, at the time, the G-7.

So the core, if I may, of the industrialized world in terms of
dimension was clearly the heart of global governance, at least in its
dimension, which is the informal grouping. And I see there France that
— we are the heart of the preparation of this global governance in
various G-7 at the level of heads.

All that being said, we have now shifted the battle. The battle is not
now in the hands of the industrialized world. The battle is in the
hands of a grouping of countries which comprise the industrialized
core countries and the emerging economies.
And one of the indivisible events which was in the succession of
events in Washington last days was that there was no G-7 communique
and there was no G-7 briefing. The communique and the briefings were
the G-20.

So again, this is at the level of global governance, something which I
trust is of utmost importance. And I would say that we owe this
transformation — which, again, has been prepared; it is something
which didn’t come as a shock and, I would say, unexpected event,
because the G-20 existed already. But this shift from the G-7 to the
G-20, we (owe it ?), it seems to me, obviously, because it was overdue
that these economies that were obviously systemic at the global level
would have a full ownership of this global governance at the level of
this informal grouping that I mentioned. And that’s of course
something which appears absolutely obvious.

I trust also that there is a second reason. Perhaps the industrialized
country proved that they were quite clumsy themselves in running their
own economy, which were — and remain, of course, at the core of global
finance and of the global economy, and that is something that we have
to take fully into account. And it’s — (inaudible) — upon the
industrialized country to be themselves fully conscious of the fact
that they have their full role to play in the G-20 because they remain
fully responsible for a large part of the core of global finance and
of the global economy.
Let me say a word on something which has happened also quite
invisibly, but in front of eminent central bankers. I cannot help
mentioning also that in the cooperation between central banks we had
large, very large ownership — which has been prepared by the creation
of the global economy meeting in Basel, by the full participation of a
large number, a very large number of central banks in our discussions
in the preparation, in the, I would say, orientations that we were
giving to a number of committees that are not very visible but very
important at a global level.

But there also we had shifted the prime grouping for governance at the
level of central banks. It is now another G-10 who is the prime
grouping for governance of central banks. It is the global economy
meeting which again comprehends a large group of central banks of the
industrialized world and of the emerging countries. And this is
something which, of course, is parallel to what has been done at the
level of the ministers, and governors, and at the level of heads, and
which is also illustrating to which extent, at the moment of these
crises — which, again, in its quantity and quality, if I may, is so
dramatic, is coinciding with a very, very important and dramatic
change of global governance.

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
power they wield? 
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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