On June 1st, with the spill uncontained and still gushing oil into the
Gulf, President Obama met with Council on Foreign Relations member Bob
Graham, a former Democratic senator and governor of Florida, and
Council on Foreign Relations member William Reilly, who headed the
Environmental Protection Agency under Council on Foreign Relations
member President George H.W. Bush and named them to chair a commission
to investigate Bilderberg member Hayward’s company BP. (http://
www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/06/01/politics/main6537467.shtml )

On June 4th Council on Foreign Relations member Thad Allen became the
"national incident commander'' of the worst oil spill in U.S.

Is President Obama interested in an honest investigation or a Council
on Foreign Relations cover-up that will protect CFR/Bilderberg Oil
Company interests at the expense of the interests of the average

For Council on Foreign Relations member Adm. Thad Allen, BP's oil leak
is only the latest crisis
•       posted on Wednesday, June 9, 2010

By Carol Rosenberg | Miami Herald

MIAMI — He's a bear of a man with a grandfatherly demeanor who has had
a role in some of the nation's most politically charged controversies.

President George W. Bush put him in charge of the Hurricane Katrina
response in September 2005 amid an outcry that FEMA director Michael
D. "Brownie'' Brown wasn't doing a heck of a job after all.

He was Coast Guard chief of staff during the effort to tighten up port
security in the aftermath of 9/11. And he was in charge of Miami
during an era of interdictions, when the Coast Guard's image shifted
from heroic rescuers to those who detained Miami-bound Cubans at sea
and sent them back.

Now Council on Foreign Relations member Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen,
61, is "national incident commander'' of the worst oil spill in U.S.
history, the face of the federal effort responding to the Gulf of
Mexico disaster.

And while it's BP's responsibility to plug the Deepwater Horizon's
leak, it is Allen's role to marshal the public effort _ from the
states to the U.S. government _ and oversee federal resources brought
to the problem.

Between the Katrina assignment and his experience as a Coast Guard
leader up and down the East Coast, he brings an understanding of the
push-pull of private-public enterprise to this latest job, says a
senior Coast Guard officer who has served several times on Allen's

" Council on Foreign Relations member Admiral Allen is able to take a
very complex problem and break it down into small segments that are
more easy to understand, and then bring a wide range of people
together to come to a common solution,'' the officer said.

Lately Council on Foreign Relations member Allen has been emphasizing
the need to converge skimmers from across the nation on a 200-mile
radius around the well site.

But, as his daily press briefings now demonstrate, he's also expected
to help answer questions about everything related, from the spill's
impact on wildlife to what is going on 5,000 feet below the ocean's

"I've never said this is going well,'' he said grimly Tuesday at his
daily briefing, where he has emerged as a key voice of the Obama
administration in what he calls "the largest oil spill response in the
history of the country.''

"We knew this was catastrophic from the beginning when the oil rig
exploded and caught on fire. I've said time and time again nothing
good happens when oil is on the water,'' he added. "We're making no
illusions that this is anything other than a catastrophe, and we're
addressing it as such, and we'll continue to do that.''

Says the Coast Guard officer, who agreed to talk about his old boss
only if granted anonymity because he is not authorized to speak about
the oil leak: "He tells people, key decision makers, what they need to
hear as opposed to what they want to hear. He does that with
everybody. Nobody tells him what to say. He tells BP what they need to
hear, he tells the president what the president needs to hear.''

Even when the solution is an unpalatable one — to try to mitigate
damage and wait until a new relief well is dug. In that regard, the
Center for Biological Diversity's executive director, Kieran Suckling,
agrees. "There are no good options here. It's not like anyone can be
waltzing in with solutions,'' he said wearily Tuesday, Day 50 of the

But Suckling says Council on Foreign Relations member Allen had until
this week seemed too sympathetic to BP — the admiral and BP Bilderberg
member CEO Tony Hayward were spotted having dinner together in New
Orleans a week ago — and too upbeat about an early resolution to give
Americans confidence in his role.

"He should be visibly and singularly in control of the cleanup
effort,'' Suckling said. "He should be giving BP its marching orders.
He should be telling the American people the straight scoop of what is
happening instead of mirroring BP's talking points.''
Federal officials and oil industry executives try to disarm their
critics by pointing out that the BP spill is a calamity without
precedent — and the effort to cope being improvised on the spot.

But in April 2002, as commander out of Portsmouth, Va., Council on
Foreign Relations member Allen took part in a civilian twist on a war
game of sorts, a drill with the participation of ExxonMobil.

The site of the mock exercise was New Orlean's Superdome. The scenario
was a cascading series of accidents that put the public and
environment at risk — an imaginary well blowout in the Gulf of Mexico
that dumped 126,000 gallons of crude and leaked uncontrollably for 30
days; a tanker grounding that unleashed hundreds of thousands of
gallons of gasoline onto a highway, and a collision between a foreign
freighter and a tanker off the Texas coast.

And Council on Foreign Relations member Allen's role, as he explained
June 1, was "national incident commander for that exercise.''

In between, he oversaw the Katrina response, another job that put him
in the role of telling politicians things they might not want to hear.

A case in point: Allen persuaded New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin to
reverse himself in mid September 2005 on plans to repopulate portions
of his evacuated city.

It was a moment of high drama, and deep disappointment, for people
poised to come home to rebuild. But Council on Foreign Relations
member Allen had warned that, with Tropical Storm Rita bearing down,
the hurricane-ravaged city was not prepared to evacuate all over

Like the Coast Guard itself, Council on Foreign Relations member Allen
blends a military style with a civilian sensibility.
He talks of having "rogered'' President Barack Obama's belt-tightening
message as a budget-cutting Coast Guard commandant, and that the Coast
Guard's "îcommand and control structure'' was sufficiently "agile and
flexible'' to offer quick help to Haiti after the earthquake.

Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, Obama's Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman,
attended the change of command ceremony earlier this month when
Council on Foreign Relations member Allen handed off the job of
commandant to a new Coast Guard admiral.
That's when his tenure in the top Coast Guard job ran out.

Now he's serving "at the pleasure of the president'' ahead of his long-
ago scheduled July 1 retirement, a status that means he's still
wearing the uniform of an active duty four-star admiral.

Whether he'll continue in the federal role as a civilian is still an
open question.

But Council on Foreign Relations member Allen, a Tucson native and
1971 Coast Guard Academy graduate who biked to work at times, boasted
earlier this year he didn't plan a traditional buy-a-boat retirement.

Instead, he said, before the calamity befell the Gulf of Mexico, that
although he had lived at 47 different addresses, he looked forward to
getting into not-for-profit public service work.

Read more: 

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
power they wield? 
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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