On page 3 of Rolling Stone’s 6 page article The Runaway General by
Michael Hastings Jun 22, 2010 10:00 AM EDT ( entire article is at
) Hastings identifies the “most powerful force shaping U.S. policy in
Afghanistan.” Hastings tells us the force includes Council on Foreign
Relations member General McChrystal, Council on Foreign Relations
member U.S. Ambassador Karl Eikenberry, Council on Foreign Relations
member Richard Holbrooke, Council on Foreign Relations member National
Security Advisor Jim Jones, Council on Foreign Relations/Bilderberg
member President William Clinton’s wife Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton, Council on Foreign Relations member Senator John Kerry, and
Council on Foreign Relations member Senator John McCain.

Hastings is wrong, the most powerful force shaping US policy is not
this handful of people, it is the organization they are members of.
It is the Council on Foreign Relations and its sister organizations
the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Trilateral Commission
and Bilderberg  organization who are the most powerful force shaping
policy worldwide and forcing every nation on the planet to become part
of a New World Order controlled by them.

On page 2 of the article Hastings writes, “From the start, McChrystal
was determined to place his personal stamp on Afghanistan, to use it
as a laboratory for a controversial military strategy known as
counterinsurgency. COIN, as the theory is known, is the new gospel of
the Pentagon brass, a doctrine that attempts to square the military's
preference for high-tech violence with the demands of fighting
protracted wars in failed states. COIN calls for sending huge numbers
of ground troops to not only destroy the enemy, but to live among the
civilian population and slowly rebuild, or build from scratch, another
nation's government – a process that even its staunchest advocates
admit requires years, if not decades, to achieve. The theory
essentially rebrands the military, expanding its authority (and its
funding) to encompass the diplomatic and political sides of warfare:
Think the Green Berets as an armed Peace Corps. In 2006, after Gen.
David Petraeus beta-tested the theory during his "surge" in Iraq, it
quickly gained a hardcore following of think-tankers, journalists,
military officers and civilian officials. Nicknamed "COINdinistas" for
their cultish zeal, this influential cadre believed the doctrine would
be the perfect solution for Afghanistan. All they needed was a general
with enough charisma and political savvy to implement it”.

General David Patraeus is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations
and the man Obama has chosen to replace McChrystal. Counterinsurgency
is not a Pentagon or McChrystal strategy it is a Council on Foreign
Relations strategy. Washington recognized Counterinsurgency as a
failed policy that would result in the USA being embroiled in an
unwinnable lengthy and costly war that would further weaken a battered
US economy. Hastings tells us, “Last fall, with his top general
calling for more troops, Obama launched a three-month review to re-
evaluate the strategy in Afghanistan. "I found that time painful,"
McChrystal tells me in one of several lengthy interviews. "I was
selling an unsellable position." For the general, it was a crash
course in Beltway politics – a battle that pitted him against
experienced Washington insiders like Vice President Biden, who argued
that a prolonged counterinsurgency campaign in Afghanistan would
plunge America into a military quagmire without weakening
international terrorist networks. "The entire COIN strategy is a fraud
perpetuated on the American people," says Douglas Macgregor, a retired
colonel and leading critic of counterinsurgency who attended West
Point with McChrystal. "The idea that we are going to spend a trillion
dollars to reshape the culture of the Islamic world is utter

Isn’t a strategy to weaken a country economically a poor military
strategy? Shouldn’t well educated people in the military (CFR member
Gen. McChrystal & Patraeus , State Department (CFR/Bilderberger member
Bill Clinton’s  wife Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, CFR member US
Ambassador Karl Eikenberry, and CFR member Special Representative  to
Afghanistan Richard Holbrooke), National Security Council (CFR member
National Security Advisor Jim Jones) , and  in the Senate ( CFR member
Senators John Kerry (Democrate) & John McCain (Republican)  recognize
that? Is COIN simply a another Council on Foreign Relations strategy
for transferring trillions of taxpayer dollars to CFR/Bilderberg
controlled international corporations? If a small group knowingly
promotes a strategy to weaken their country economically so that they
themselves can profit isn’t that treason?
Despite Obama’s three month study and Vice President Biden’s objection
to the counterinsurgency strategy the Council on Foreign Relations
won, and the Obama administration has embraced it and will be
continuing  it in Afghanistan under CFR member McChrystal’s
replacement CFR member Gen. Patraeus. Hastings writes:

“In the end, however, McChrystal got almost exactly what he wanted. On
December 1st, in a speech at West Point, the president laid out all
the reasons why fighting the war in Afghanistan is a bad idea: It's
expensive; we're in an economic crisis; a decade-long commitment would
sap American power; Al Qaeda has shifted its base of operations to
Pakistan. Then, without ever using the words "victory" or "win," Obama
announced that he would send an additional 30,000 troops to
Afghanistan, almost as many as McChrystal had requested. The president
had thrown his weight, however hesitantly, behind the
counterinsurgency crowd.

Today, as McChrystal gears up for an offensive in southern
Afghanistan, the prospects for any kind of success look bleak. In
June, the death toll for U.S. troops passed 1,000, and the number of
IEDs has doubled. Spending hundreds of billions of dollars on the
fifth-poorest country on earth has failed to win over the civilian
population, whose attitude toward U.S. troops ranges from intensely
wary to openly hostile. The biggest military operation of the year – a
ferocious offensive that began in February to retake the southern town
of Marja – continues to drag on, prompting McChrystal himself to refer
to it as a "bleeding ulcer." In June, Afghanistan officially outpaced
Vietnam as the longest war in American history – and Obama has quietly
begun to back away from the deadline he set for withdrawing U.S.
troops in July of next year. The president finds himself stuck in
something even more insane than a quagmire: a quagmire he knowingly
walked into, even though it's precisely the kind of gigantic, mind-
numbing, multigenerational nation-building project he explicitly said
he didn't want.”

Gary Allen wrote:
Council on Foreign Relations founding father Edward Mandel House had
set down his political ideas in his book called "Philip Dru:
Administrator" in 1912. In this book House laid out a thinly
fictionalized plan for conquest of America by establishing "Socialism
as dreamed by Karl Marx." He described a "conspiracy" - the word is
his - which succeeds in electing a US President by means of "deception
regarding his real opinions and intentions." Among other things, House
wrote that the conspiracy was to insinuate "itself into the primaries,
in order that no candidate might be nominated whose views were not in
accord with theirs." Elections were to become mere charades conducted
for the bedazzlement of the booboisie. The idea was to use both the
Democrat and Republican parties as instruments to promote World

In 1919 House met in Paris with members of a British "secret society"
called The Round Table in order to form an organization whose job it
would be to propagandize the citizens of America, England and Western
Europe on the globes of World Government. The big selling point, of
course was "peace." The part about the Insiders establishing a world
dictatorship quite naturally was left out.[Gary Allen None Dare Call
it Conspiracy – Chapter 5 Establishing the Establishment
http://www.whale.to/b/allen_b1.html ]

Council on Foreign Relations members have unlawfully and knowingly
combined, conspired, and agreed to substantially contribute to the
establishment of one world order under the direction and the control
of members of Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of
International Affairs, The Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg group
and members of their branch organizations in various nations
throughout the world. That is totalitarianism on a global scale.

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
power they wield? 
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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