Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2011 15:02:00 -0800 (PST)
From: Webster Tarpley <>
Subject: Re: Obama's Special Envoy to Egypt: Frank Wisner (ring a bell?)

He is the stepfather and psychological parent of Sarkozy, who grew up largely in his household. - see essay by Thierry Meyssan

CIA: Frank G. Wisner arrived in Cairo

As the Egyptian revolt swells, the U.S. National Security Council considered that the handling of the situation by Margaret Scobey, their Ambassador in Cairo, was not good enough.

Ms Scobey is a career diplomat with a significant track record in the Middle East, but lacks experience in secret operations. Without prejudging the future, she has spared no effort to meet with the greatest number of players and establish ties with all the camps.

For the National Security Council, it is not enough to simply safeguard the interests of the United States. It is absolutely indispensable to preserve the Egyptian-Israeli peace deal, which implies having to choose the next country leadership. Thus, the NSC called on Frank G. Wisner, former Ambassador to Egypt (1986-91), and dispatched him urgently to Cairo where he arrived on 31 January 2011.

Mr. Wisner is the son of Frank G. Wisner Sr., co-founder of the CIA and Gladio. Together with Allen Dulles, Wisner Sr. was one of the architects of the U.S. secret intervention doctrine: support those democracies which make a "good choice", oppose those which make the wrong choice.

As for Frank G. Wisner Jr., he has always worked for the Agency and continues to do so, serving in particular as one of the Directors of Refugees International.

Ambassador Wisner, a personal friend of President Hosni Mubarak, has been tasked with organising his low-key destitution. His arrival was discretely preceded by a telephone call from Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to his Egyptian counterpart General Sami Enan - the Egyptian army is trained and equipped by the Pentagon. Officially, Mullen commended him for his restraint, a message which was perfectly deciphered by Cairo which, a few minutes later, announced that the army regarded the protests as legitimate.

Frank G. Wisner Jr. is not known to the U.S. public either as a diplomat or as a master spy, but as an unscrupulous financier. He was part of the Enron power elite involved in the fraudulent bankrupcy of the corporation that ruined countless small investors and, later, as Vice Chairman of American International Group whose share prices plummeted by 95% during the 2008 financial crisis, prior to its bailout with taxpayers’ money.

Although not at all known in France, Wisner Jr. has nevertheless played a major role in that country’s recent history. He married Christine de Ganay (Pal Sarkozy’s second wife) and, in that capacity, reared Nicolas Sarkozy during his New York years. It was he who introduced then-teenage Sarkozy to CIA insiders and facilitated his entry into French political circles. One of Wisner’s sons was Sarkozy’s English-speaking political campaign spokesman; another one of his children became one of the pillars of the Carlyle Group, the asset management firm controlled by the Bush and Bin Laden families. In addition, it was Frank G. Wisner who strongly recommended his friend Bernard Kouchner as French Foreign Minister with the mission to mobilise European states in favour of Kosovo’s independence.

--- On Sun, 2/6/11, Tony Gosling <> wrote:

From: Tony Gosling <>
Subject: Obama's Special Envoy to Egypt: Frank Wisner (ring a bell?)
Date: Sunday, February 6, 2011, 5:49 PM

US: Frank Wisner wasn't speaking on behalf of gov't
Published:     02.05.11, 22:52 / Israel News
The US government disassociated itself from comments made by special envoy to Egypt Frank Wisner who claimed that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak should stay in office in order to hand over authorities in an orderly manner. A member of the US delegation to the security conference in Munich said that Wisner was speaking as a private citizen and not on behalf of the US government. (AFP)

Obama's Special Envoy to Egypt: Frank Wisner (ring a bell?)

Edited on Wed Feb-02-11 03:40 AM by Hannah Bell
Guess who is the Barack Obama's special envoy to Egypt! It is Frank G Wisner! Who is he? Well, for one thing he is the son of Frank Wisner, the guy from the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and later the CIA who imported thousands of wanted Nazi war criminals to the US under Operation Paperclip. Of course, the Muslim Brothers and Brotherhood, back in the day, had a lot of ties to the Nazis. While some of the most famous Nazi war criminals, like Werner Van Braun who developed much of the missile programs after he and his fellow Nazi scientists were settled in Alabama, made headlines over the years, the lesser ones who barely made the headlines were equally interesting because of their polluted pasts...

One of the most notorious of the ex-Nazis helped by the CIA and Wisner's Dad was "Archbishop" Valerin Trifa, a Romanian who had helped organize the infamous January 1941 Iron Guard pogrom in Bucharest as the Romanian fascists were getting ready to welcome the Wehrmacht and the SS into Romania. But for more than 20 years, with CIA help, Trifa was able to airbrush his own personal history. By 1956, a rehabilitated Trifa was delivering the opening prayer at the U.S. Senate at the invitation of Richard M. Nixon, at that time Vice President of the United States...

While a lot of the Nazis went on to live happy lives in sanctuaries like Paraguay and Egypt, in part with the assistance of the CIA and the elder Wisner, many found a home in the heartland of the USA, from Cleveland to Detroit and Chicago. Some even found comfortable homes in Alabama with the US space and missile programs...


Frank George Wisner II (born 1938) is an American businessman and former diplomat. He is the son of Frank Wisner (1909 –“ 1965). On 31 January 2011, he was sent to Egypt by President Barack Obama to negotiate a resolution to the popular protests against the regime that have swept the country.<1> A White House spokesman said that Wisner had vast experience in the region as well as close relationships with many Egyptians in and out of government. The New York Times reports that he is a personal friend of Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak.<2>

Wisner was until recently Vice Chairman of American International Group. He retired from this post as of February 13, 2009, according to an internal AIG memo issued by Edward Liddy, CEO. While at AIG, he served under President George W. Bush as special envoy to the Troika group for the negotiations of the future status of Kosovo...

After retiring from government service in 1997, Wisner joined the board at a subsidiary of Enron, the former energy company. He is also on the board of Hakluyt & Company, a British corporate investigation firm...

Wisner is married to Christine de Ganay (former wife of Pal Sarkozy and former stepmother of French president Nicolas Sarkozy), and they have four children.


Frank Gardiner Wisner (June 23, 1909 – October 29, 1965) was head of Office of Strategic Services operations in southeastern Europe at the end of World War II, and the head of the Directorate of Plans of the Central Intelligence Agency during the 1950s...After graduating, Wisner worked as a Wall Street lawyer. In 1941, six months before the attack on Pearl Harbor, he enlisted in the United States Navy. He worked in the Navy's censor's office until he was able to get a transfer to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS)...<4[br /> Later, Wisner's main task was to spy on the activities of the Soviet Union. Wisner's agents managed to penetrate the Romanian Communist Party and the Red Army's headquarters in Bucharest.<2> He learned that the Soviet Union planned to take over all of Eastern Europe, and was disappointed at the U.S. failure to move to prevent it. He advised the Romanian royal family to go into exile.

In March 1945, Wisner was transferred to Wiesbaden, where he served as OSS liaison to the Gehlen Organisation.<2> In 1946, he returned to law practice, joining the New York City law firm of Carter Ledyard...In 1948, the CIA created a covert action division, the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC). Frank Wisner was put in charge of the operation and recruited many of his old friends from Carter Ledyard. According to its secret charter, its responsibilities include "propaganda, economic warfare, preventive direct action, including sabotage, antisabotage, demolition and evacuation procedures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance groups, and support of indigenous anti-communist elements in threatened countries of the free world."

In 1947 Wisner established Operation Mockingbird, a program to influence the domestic and foreign media. In 1952, he became head of the Directorate of Plans, with Richard Helms as his chief of operations. This office had control of 75% of the CIA budget. In this position, he was instrumental in supporting pro-American forces that toppled Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran and Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán in Guatemala following the Alfhem affair...


Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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