Operation Gladio [BBC Timewatch, 1992] NATO-Sponsoring Domestic Terrorism in Europe

At times during his Satanic career John Pope corresponded with the neo-Nazi British Movement and League of St. George. Initially this was to extract information about Hitler's occult interests, but little help was forthcoming in that particular direction. Although at odds with some of their racial theories, he found much of their material "quite good" and supported the Fuehrer's invasion of Russia. Hitler understood the Communist threat and was absolutely right to attack, Pope proclaimed with a certain amount of glee, adding that if Britain had joined the Nazis there would be no Russian Communism today.

New info about where UK Gladio 'stay behind' operatives may have been recruited.

Extracted From:
From Satan To Christ - Secrets of witchcraft and satanism revealed in a story of salvation
By Sean Manchester - Pub. Holy Grail (1988) - Extract pp. 20-23

The London Evening News, 3rd July 1974, published a photograph of two dolls with pins stuck through the head and body: "These are the voodoo dolls a witchcraft high priest used to put 'the mark of death' on two detectives," ran the story. "David Farrant, who was found guilty at the Old Bailey this afternoon of trying to influence the detectives' evidence, sent the dolls so they would be afraid to testify against a man arrested on an indecency charge. The prosecution had alleged that following the arrest of a man called John Russell Pope on New Year's Eve, Farrant sent the dolls to the detectives." In the previous month Farrant was found guilty of other charges: "King of black magic guilty," proclaimed the front page headline of the Sun, 26th June 1974: "A man who called himself a high priest of witchcraft was convicted last night of breaking into tombs. In his summing-up, judge Michael Argyle talked of frightened witnesses. He said they feared the accused man, 28 year-old David Farrant, and his talk of black magic. Farrant, of Archway Road, Highgate, was found guilty at the Old Bailey of maliciously damaging a memorial to the dead and unlawfully entering a place of burial and interfering with bodies Wearing a long black cape, he sat impassively in the dock as the verdicts were announced. During the twelve-day case the jury heard of strange witchcraft ceremonies, attempts to communicate with the dead, and sexual fertility and initiation rites. They were shown a folder of photographs ...... some described as 'horrific' ..... The judge named John Pope, a former follower of Farrant, as one of the scared people. 'He became very frightened of Farrant,' said the judge. 'He feared he might have some kind of power over him' ." With Farrant behind bars, Pope organised his own diabolical order and affiliated with the Church of Satan's United Kingdom representative Ron Adams. Under the banner United Temples of Satan Pope was soon filling the gap in the sensational press left by his publicity-hungry friend. Frightened or not, he set out to usurp Farrant almost immediately following his release from prison. "When the incarcerated necromancer was released on parole recenty, John Pope greeted him with a challenge to a 'black magic duel' in Highgate Wood. 'Black magic has no time for failures. I was just eliminating the competition'," he boasted in a full page feature in the Hendon Times, 2nd June 1977, in which he adopted the title "Son of the Beast" - vaunting the re-establishment of a Satanic order based on Crowley's teachings. A Daily Mirror journalist, Margaret Hall, was present in the phalanx of assembled photographers and reporters. Her newspaper the following day reported: "On the one side of the park was the 'high priest', David Farrant. On the other was the 'black magician', John Pope. They cast evil spells. They called down terrifying curses. They mumbled and they gabbled as they celebrated Hallowe'en by trying to eliminate each other ..... They clashed to decide who should be boss of the occult." Neither managed to do anything beyond taunting before police and park-keepers put an end to their asinine behaviour. Their power struggle was soon resolved, however, as Pope explained in an exclusive interview in October 1987: "I did at a later date join Mr. Farrant's organisation and he did give me a number of talismans and rituals which I found very powerful, one of which I used against Crawford which enabled me to defeat him. I would not have been able to without it. Crawford was a very powerful ritual magician," Pope claimed. When asked what he meant by "defeating Crawford", he admitted to employing a curse to harm the person, adding: "He lost his job. He lost his wife. He lost his home and became very ill. He eventually went to live in France." David Crawford was a rival of Pope who ran the Bedford branch of the Brotherhood of the Ram. Pope rejoined Farrant's "organisation" in 1981 when the "talismans" and "rituals" would have been provided. In his obscure curriculum vitae Pope devotes seven pages to a summary of his life as a magician. A Satanic federation is described wherein the various members are alleged to have treated him as royalty. The Black Shadow, run by a certain David Marriott in Luton, Bedfordshire, is one of the groups referred to in this unholy alliance and of his visits Pope disclosed: "I was wined and dined and I could have sex with any of the women in his temple. Which in fact I did, making love to a number of women. There were drugs too." In the same piece of audacious egocentricity Pope claims that his own members sent him money which resulted in him becoming quite "well off'. He ends by announcing his retirement from the occult scene, claiming to have asserted himself as the greatest magician since Aleister Crowley. At times during his Satanic career John Pope corresponded with the neo-Nazi British Movement and League of St. George. Initially this was to extract information about Hitler's occult interests, but little help was forthcoming in that particular direction. Although at odds with some of their racial theories, he found much of their material "quite good" and supported the Fuehrer's invasion of Russia. Hitler understood the Communist threat and was absolutely right to attack, Pope proclaimed with a certain amount of glee, adding that if Britain had joined the Nazis there would be no Russian Communism today. Attempts by myself to establish a tangible link between Satanism and Nazism fell on stony ground in the wake of a Sunday People report in October 1977 which would abort my investigations. I had begun a series of articles for the Borehamwood Post in the previous month and my first published report exposed a cell of neo-Nazis linked to Column 88 and the League of St. George. However, I was yet to reveal a connection with the occult. This I intended in my next article which, due to the powerful Sunday People, would never materialise. Their journalist, Frank Thorne, produced an article claiming that the neo-Nazi cell uncovered by myself was non-existent and that the photographs used were not genuine. Two pictures published by the Sunday People were of John Pope: one in a Satanic robe, the other in a black outfit complete with swastika. Pope was quoted in a manner detrimental to my report and protestations over the following weeks that he had been misquoted and had words put in his mouth by reporters from the Sunday People, did little for my case. The damage had already been done. The newspaper chose to ignore evidence that over the years Pope had tried to recruit youngsters for a "survivalist" group whose avowed intention was to "protect" Britain from the "foreign invader" and "Communist threat". His fascism was bogus they claimed. The attack upon my integrity made a credible pursuit of the Nazi-Satanist connection impossible and such evidence I had soon went cold. Some months later, however, an organisation identified in my original report was named throughout the media as being behind a series of racially motivated fire-bombings. This total vindication of my investigation did not prompt me to waste valuable time and energy in a protracted legal action with the Sunday People as it has been my policy over the years not to sue any publication for libel - otherwise much of my time would be taken up doing little else; Notwithstanding my reluctance to waste valuable resources on scandal-mongers, I nevertheless made it my business to investigate thoroughly the journalist responsible. His source was none other than David Farrant! The Sunday People originally invited Farrant to their offices in New Fetter Lane and here he collaborated with Frank Thorne. Farrant provided Pope's address and their combined corroboration was all the newspaper needed to publish its lies. Thus the entire Sunday People story was gleaned from two of my most vociferous adversaries. Such is the morality of the gutter press that I have long since refused to be interviewed by them. Ten years later - in the shadow of his occult retirement - Pope finally renounced Satanism, black magic and witchcraft. He changed his name by deed poll and married a Roman Catholic at St. Joseph's Church, Highgate, in November 1987. By a strange coincidence this was the church at which Farrant was married almost exactly twenty years earlier. Apart from a brief flirtation with extremist politics two years after his release from prison, when he threatened to stand as a candidate in the marginal Homsey constituency under a "Wiccans Awake" banner, not much more was heard of Farrant. He teamed up with arch-Satanist Jean-Paul Bourre at the beginning of 1980 and in the following years tried to stage further animal sacrifices in Paris, but the public outcry thwarted all such attempts. Bourre was obliged to regurgitate strictly pre-incarceration events about Farrant in his dreary publications devoted to malefic occultism. Before meeting his British counterpart, Bourre had made a number of nefarious nocturnal forays to the famous Pere-Lachaise cemetery which resulted in him being banned from entry by the Mayor of Paris. I met Jean-Paul Bourre briefly at the end of 1979, as recounted in my earlier work on this subject, when he came to London to do research on a book to be published in France the following spring. Entitled Messes Rouges et Romantisme Noire, this apologia for black magic sang the praises of David Farrant whom Bourre had met several times in the interim. Inside the book a photograph appeared of a written "curse" bearing my initials. It had apparently been directed at Nathalie Sarazin who was living with Bourre in Paris at the time.

Son of a banker - Bristol born Edwardian writer & expert on the supernatural
Montague Summers' legacy today explained by The RIght Reverend Sean Manchester

+44 (0)7786 952037
"Capitalism is institutionalised bribery."
<http://utangente.free.fr/2003/media2003.pdf>http://utangente.free.fr/2003/media2003.pdf "The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

Fear not therefore: for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; and nothing hid that shall not be made known. What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in the light and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. Matthew 10:26-27

Die Pride and Envie; Flesh, take the poor's advice.
Covetousnesse be gon: Come, Truth and Love arise.
Patience take the Crown; throw Anger out of dores:
Cast out Hypocrisie and Lust, which follows whores:
Then England sit in rest; Thy sorrows will have end;
Thy Sons will live in peace, and each will be a friend.
Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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