Massive POSITIVE SPIN today for this Nazi firm BMW 'investing' in
please forward to German speakers as this needs to be better known

Massive POSITIVE SPIN coverage today for this Nazi firm BMW
'investing' in Britain
But not a word in any of the papers about the refusal of the present
private owners of BMW, the Quandt family, to either acknowledge the
family wealth is built on slave labour & concentration camp victims.
Neither to pay a penny of reparations into the funds to which
Mercedes, VW and Porsche have contributed many millions.
The German Language documentary is The Silence Of The Quandts - lets
hope someone subtitles it in English and/or do a English voice over.

The Silence of the Quandts part 1/7

The Quandt family is the silent might behind one of the world's
largest and most profitable automakers, BMW. Yet the family has a dark
past. Its businesses profited from forced labour during the Third
Reich, and the patriarchs, who were intimately involved with the Nazi
regime, managed to escape prosecution and keep those profits when the
war ended. This documentary shows the victims, and asks the question,
"Why are the Quandts silent?"

It is my hope that, by making this excellent German documentary
available to English-speaking people, the resulting public pressure
will help to move the Quandts to acknowledge the family's role,
apologise, and take active steps to make reparations to the victims.

part 2

part 3

part 4, 5, 6, 7????

[b]BMW dynasty breaks silence on its Nazi past[/b]
The Quandts commissioned the study just five days after the showing of
a 2007 television documentary entitled The Silence of the Quandt
Family, which contained extensive details about its collaboration with
the Nazis.
The family admitted in a statement at the time: "We recognise that in
our history as a family of German industrialists, the years 1933 to
1945 have not been sufficiently accounted for."
Günther Quandt was arrested and interned in 1946. But judges concluded
that he was a mere Nazi "fellow traveller" who played no active part
in committing the crimes of the Third Reich. He was released in 1948.
Prosecutors have argued that if today's evidence had been presented at
the time, Quandt would have been charged with committing war crimes or
crimes against humanity. However, he joined the board of Deutsche Bank
after the war and was honoured by Frankfurt University in 1951. He
died on holiday in Egypt in 1954.

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
power they wield? 
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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