Libya, Syria and Iran, NATO and Israel's fascist obsession with regime change
BRISTOL Wednesday 18th July 2012 - Tony Gosling
Today's assassination of senior Syrian government officials, by NATO led terrorists in Damascus, brings us to a new low in a horrifying war of physical and mental attrition. It is a civil war that NATO want to happen, after all their friends are supplying the minority with weapons. Today's bombings in Damascus and Bulgaria may as well have been carried out by Hillary Clinton or Benjamin Netanyahu themselves. There is plenty of evidence of their love of 'black ops'. And both bombings serve their joint purpose at the UN Security Council this week. And the purposes of their backers the private owners of the West's monstrous Military Industrial Complex. Even Eisenhower would have found this generation's war profiteers a hard cookie to chew. But quite how many millions of human souls across this fragile world of ours do they hope to fool by their gameplays, and for how long, is another question entirely. Because Clinton and Netanyahu are painting themselves into a psychopath's corner, the only way out of which will be impeachment, or an open Third World War. Not since the days running up to World Wars One and Two have we seen such political murder cruelly calculated to take the world's superpowers to the brink. The assassinations come in the run-up to this week's UN Security Council resolutions and are timed to send a mainstream media message to NATO zone domestic populations. "Assad can no longer rule the country, it is time for "regime change"". But these old tricks will not persuade China or Russia. The governance of Syria is no business of Hillary Clinton. The 'civil war' onto which NATO and its Saudi allies are pouring petrol of heavy weapons is not about Assad, it is about the integrity of the regime, the good people of Syria, and recently democratically affirmed constitution they represent. Assad's independence cannot be tolerated, he is manning a road-block on the way to Iran. NATO had a choice after Gaddafi was sodomised with a bayonet by that mob in Libya. They could move straight to pulverising Iran from the air, cyberspace and using secretive space weapons. But that would leave NATO having to deal with what would be a less credulous Syrian rebel population, less hypnotised by Al Quaeda's calls to oust the 'infidel' Assad. No matter how many rocket propelled grenades Allah put into their hands. So the NATO/Israeli axis chose to bring Syria to heel first. Since they have absolutely no moral or legal right to take out Presidents Assad nor Ahmadinejad NATO have had to rely on groupthink in the Western Mainstream press firstly to win domestic hearts and minds and secondly to ensure their occult command centres and generals are invisible and invulnerable. We come up again here against the hideous paradox which has challenged humanity since the dawn of time. How can peace loving, honest people ever win a battle against the ruthless, the scheming and the grasping? As Simon Heffer recently pointed out in the Daily Mail, traditionally a pro-Tory paper, "We are no longer being governed, just patronised by self-regarding pygmies who play at politics" To them it is all a game, in the NATO zone's 21st century post-modern version of democracy senior politicians are wholly-owned subsidiaries of fascist financiers. Even opposition politicians are permanently missing the point diluted by bad advice, bought columnists and politicking which propels vain, inept individuals to the top positions. The real power brokers are operating behind the scenes. Just as in the Italian P2 lodge scandal in 1980s Italy the nations are being run by secret committees of the unelected and unaccountable. And this is the evil genius of our Hitlerian masters the Kissingers, Perles and the Strategic Communications propaganda barons, Grand Masters of misery in this unhappy world, is that, like the Wizard of Oz, as they remain behind the curtain, not even our own people know who leads them. Like the North Welsh Ordovices tribe during the Roman invasion they are impossible to suppress because their command citadel is invisible and if the enemy were to come they simply melt away into the shadows. Which is where we come to the heart of the matter. Just as the anonymity of NATO zone leadership overtly destroys Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and the rest for KBR and others to cash in on rebuilding. It covertly destroys the motherland, setting us up for an almighty civil war with our own rulers who, make no mistake, when they have finished their games in the Middle East will turn their Sauron's eye on us. Their other disguise is their Jewish ancestry deflect criticism by a media which is rightly cautious to avoid repeating past genocide. This makes their betrayal of Jewish Torah heritage doubly wrong as they quietly take the brown envelope. And sell their soul to the 4th Reich money power that murdered the holders of the noble Rabinnic tradition they have betrayed. That same media seems almost unaware though that Muslims now are being demonised just like the Jews were in the 1930s. And that the real enemy of our shadow leaders is faith. Jews yesterday, Muslims today and Christians tomorrow. A child understands, the drafters of the UN Charter understood. But the simple fact of Afghanistan, Iraq and Libyan people's right, indeed duty, of self-defence in the face of fascist adventurism is taboo. What if tens of thousands of Afghans parachuted into Britain to tell us how to think. Might we not kill them? Indeed we might. On second thoughts though, regime change in Britain may be no bad thing at all. I can give a cast iron guarantee that if you were to wander out the back of the South Bank's Royal Festival Hall and pick on the first beggar you came across, that person would have more integrity and popular success as a ruler than, and increasingly up 'til today, any Prime Minster since Harold Wilson. Just as in World War Two, we peace lovers must be less trusting. Reluctantly we must start again to 'think like a Nazi' to assess and prepare to tackle such an utterly evil enemy, this time within. Then the enemy was Hitler and Nazi Germany, now the enemy is a monstrous financial 4th Reich which dominates all the political institutions in Israel and the NATO zone. The enemy within uses our resources to feed their power habit. Many are now feeling what it was like for ordinary Germans in the 1930s during Hitler's rise to power. It is not just the financial disaster we have in common with then, but the ever more comfortable gait of war criminals such as Zipi Livni, Geoff Hoon and Tony Blair strutting around the streets of London today. The culture of legal impunity is now thoroughly embedded in Britain and only Barbara Tucker's camp on Parliament Square seems to stand against this Pinochet's Britain, one woman from a military family representing the aspirations of a nation. In 1940 Prime Minister Winston Churchill gave his 'finest hour' speech, citing Britain, quite rightly, as standing alone against the looming destruction of 'Christian Civilisation'. But right up until he was sacked in 1938, Nazi admirer Lord Reith had censored that sentiment, censored Churchill's voice from the British airwaves. That's why freedom of expression was top of the list when our grandparents sat down to learn the lessons of World War Two and left us the UN Charter. Their are thousands of voices crying out against these war crimes which are leading us inexorably to our young men coming home in body bags, and to WW3, and shamefully that sentiment is being smothered again by today's BBC. Chris Patten sold out the democratic aspirations of our people in Hong Kong, 400 thousand marched the other day against his betrayal. Did the BBC not tell you? And Patten was roundly rejected by the good people of Bath in 1992. Marcus Agius said he'd resigned as Chairman of Barclays the other day but didn't. These are the people who have just chosen our new Director General. Time to wake another tramp up from his slumber under the arches by the Festival Hall.
+44 (0)7786 952037
"Capitalism is institutionalised bribery."
<> "The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

Fear not therefore: for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; and nothing hid that shall not be made known. What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in the light and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. Matthew 10:26-27

Die Pride and Envie; Flesh, take the poor's advice.
Covetousnesse be gon: Come, Truth and Love arise.
Patience take the Crown; throw Anger out of dores:
Cast out Hypocrisie and Lust, which follows whores:
Then England sit in rest; Thy sorrows will have end;
Thy Sons will live in peace, and each will be a friend.
Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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