Centifuges? Buy 250-kiloton nuke warhead on the black market
The topic formerly known as
Centifuges? Buy weapons grade plutonium on the black market

Roger Cook was also offered a complete 250 kiloton ballistic missile
warhead out of one of these
They had had an idea. If, as we said, we wanted the plutonium so that
we could make a nuclear warhead, why not just buy one ready-made? They
had an SS 20 ballistic missile they could provide for us - what did we
As our interpreter translated, I felt a sense of unreality wash over
me, as I had the first time I had met Gennady. f we were finding it so
easy to obtain these things, what he hell was there to stop a genuine
terrorist organisation with real money behind it from doing exactly
the same?
In its time, The Cook Report was by some margin the highest rated
current affairs programme on British television, with audiences
peaking at more than 12 million. It was credited with helping to
achieve numerous criminal convictions and a number of changes in the

17Aug11 - Buying Weapons Grade Plutonium 239- on the Black Market -
Roger Cook (published 2000)
Extracted from Chapter 7, When Push Comes To Shove - available to
print as RTF file

Roger Cook reported for BBC Radio 4's 'Checkpoint' programme from 1974
until 1987 when The Cook Report was commissioned from ITV's Central
Television. ITV Network Centre cancelled The Cook Report in 1997 when
its final audiences were around nine-and-a-half million. The Cook
Report joined This Week, First Tuesday, World In Action and Weekend
World in the censorship graveyard of investigative journalism.

'Dangerous Ground, The Inside Story of Britain's Leading Investigative
Journalist' by Roger Cook and Howard Foster, Harper Collins, 2000,
ISBN 0 00 653108 3 pp. 311-318

For months, there had been occasional newspaper reports, mainly tucked
away in the foreign pages, of nuclear material being smuggled out of
the former Soviet Union for sale illegally in the West. In just twelve
months, the German police had made no fewer than 160 seizures of
radioactive chemicals - all of it on its way to, so far, unidentified
groups keen to obtain the capability to manufacture nuclear weapons.

The World Trade Center in New York had just been bombed by Moslem
extremists. Was it only a matter of time before one of these fanatical
organisations got hold of enough plutonium to rig up a small bomb to
be detonated in another Western city?

Clive Entwistle and Paul Calverley were on the case. Some friends of
Mike Garner worked for Greenpeace. They were in touch with a young
Russian journalist who had contacts with the gangs selling weapons-
grade plutonium, and much more besides.

Entwistle went to Moscow to meet the reporter - Kyril - to see if he
would help. Subject to certain conditions -that neither he nor his
contacts would be filmed or identified in any way, he agreed. He
reminded Entwistle that the people we would be dealing with were
dangerous and that we had to be very careful. I flew out to Moscow to
meet him. He was young and, understandably, nervous. We per-suaded him
that we had the expertise and the resources to carry off a 'sting' on
his contacts.

The plan was that I would pose as the representative of a Middle
Eastern organisation keen to buy Plutonium 239- the essential
ingredient for putting together a small nuclear bomb. Back in Britain,
we hired - a consultant nuclear engineer, John Large, to see if it
would be possible to make such a weapon. The simple answer was yes. In
fact, the prospect of an attack using one had been worrying the
experts for some time. It already had a name - a 'dirty bomb' - so
called because it would be rudimentary, inefficient but, nonetheless,
deadly whether it triggered properly or just dispersed millions of
nuclear particles over the immediate, highly-populated area.

John Large built us a replica 'dirty bomb' small enough to fit into a
briefcase. It was frightening to click open such -a commonplace piece
of baggage and see the tubular, pre-assembled nuclear unit inside,
complete with plutonium core and battery-operated timing and
detonation devices.

Another expert told us in interview that a small terrorist group would
quite easily be able to. find the necessary components if they were
properly funded. In Moscow, we were hoping to prove that he was

Mike Garner joined Entwistle and me in Moscow. He and secret filming
equipment wizard Alan Harridan had hurriedly created two cameras that
were built into clothing, which Garner was to use when meeting the
gang. In a series of cloak and dagger meetings at the Slavjanskaya
hotel, Kyril helped us to plan our visit to the gang's HQ. He was
begin-ning to have second thoughts about what was about to hap-pen,
and was only just holding his nerve.

The following morning, Garner and I were joined by Kyril and two heavy-
looking characters with bulges under their coats - Kyril's underworld
'contacts' - and we set off in an impressive-looking hire car for one
of Moscow's outer suburbs. Eventually we stopped in front of a gloomy,
low--rise, pre-war apartment block in a surprisingly leafy street.
Kyril led us to the front door of a scruffy, ground-floor flat and
rapped nervously on the frosted glass.

The door opened and a dishevelled man in his thirties waved us quickly
inside. He invited us to sit down in a makeshift office, which centred
on a rickety desk, bare but for a telephone. Gamer sat down last,
making sure he could get a good shot of our host with the camera which
was built into the breast pocket of his denim jacket.

The man introduced himself as Gennady. He said that he could obtain
most nuclear materials from a variety of sources. He pointed to the
telephone. We just had to tell him what we needed and he would make
the call to his 'business partner', who would arrange delivery. I told
him that we wanted twenty-five kilograms of plutonium for our Middle
Eastern clients. Gennady didn't bat an eyelid. He picked up the
receiver and dialled his friend. They spoke in Russian for a minute,
then Gennady put the phone down and talked to Kyril. The journalist
translated that weapons grade plutonium would cost $15 million dollars
a kilo but that for a large order such as we were placing; Gennady was
prepared to close the deal for $200 million dollars. Had we wanted a
uranium/plutonium mixture, we could have had it straight away. As it
was, pure plutonium would take a little while to obtain.

He had uranium and plutonium straightaway? I asked.

Gennady smiled and told us to stay where we were. He walked over to a
cupboard under his staircase. He reached inside and, with a grimace,
hauled something into the room - a lead-covered container about two
feet high. Suddenly Gamer dropped forward onto his knees. My God, I
thought. 'He's been irradiated. In fact, he was just trying to film
the lettering and codes stamped on the outside of the canister with
his secret camera, while appearing to want to check out the details
for his own professional satisfaction.

Before we left, Gennady gave us a small sample of nuclear material
from the container so that 'our people' could have it tested to prove
he could deliver what we wanted. I hoped to God that the small
container he'd given us was leakproof. Everything seemed so ramshackle
and amateur - a scruffy man in a cardigan operating from a shabby flat
with weapons-grade nuclear material hidden under his stairs. My .
blood ran cold. We left Gennady with a handshake and agreed that we
would come back to him as soon as we had spoken to our clients in the
Middle East.

After the meeting, it was clear that Kyril wasn't happy with what we
were doing. It was just about the last time we saw him - and I can't
say that I blamed him. We were all very nervous. In his absence,
however, we were without an interpreter for our covert meetings with
Gennady. We could hardly approach one of the translation agencies and
ask for someone to come and tell us when the Mafia man was planning to
deliver our plutonium.

In the meantime, our sample had been taken to the Atomic Energy
Ministry laboratories in central Moscow. Screened by residential
developments, the laboratories were housed in a series of low, cream-
painted buildings which, on the inside, reminded me of Dr Who's
Tardis. A worried -looking scientist opened the sample with his hands
encased in heavy silver gloves built into the side of a radiation-
proof cabinet. He emptied the contents of the phial into a glass dish,
and we filmed him testing it.

Sure enough, it was exactly what Gennady had said it was. We
interviewed a Ministry spokesman. It was obvious that he knew that his
country was haemorrhaging nuclear material through the Russian Mafia,
but he put a brave face on things and vowed that he would do
everything he could to stop it.

Back in Birmingham, programme manager Pat Harris had had a brainwave.
Central had just finished filming one of its most successful dramas -
'Sharpe', starring Sean Bean as the swashbuckling soldier hero of the
Napoleonic Wars - in Eastern Europe. An English woman who spoke fluent
Russian had been working on the production as an interpreter and she
was coming back to the UK via Moscow. Would she help?

Surprisingly, given that I had to tell her exactly what we were
involved in, she agreed and cheerfully set off with us for our second
visit to Gennady. This time, he had brought in his partner, Ilya.

They had had an idea. If, as we said, we wanted the plutonium so that
we could make a nuclear warhead, why not just buy one ready-made? They
had an SS 20 ballistic missile they could provide for us - what did we

As our interpreter translated, I felt a sense of unreality wash over
me, as I had the first time I had met Gennady. f we were finding it so
easy to obtain these things, what he hell was there to stop a genuine
terrorist organisation with real money behind it from doing exactly
the same?

I obviously wasn't looking keen on the idea, because Gen-nady and Ilya
were now outlining to our interpreter how the original order of
weapons-grade plutonium was to be smuggled out to us. It would be
coming through Vilnius in Lithuania. When would we like delivery? And
would I please take the details of how we should make the payment to
their company? Fine, fine. We took down the details and arranged to
talk later. We had all the evidence we needed that the fissile
material for our 'dirty bomb' could be found here in Moscow. We flew
back to Britain to prepare for the final stage of the programme.

We had decided to take our dummy 'dirty bomb' to the United. States.
The totally reasonable thinking was that the bomb set off by the
Moslem extremists at the World Trade Center could so easily have
contained nuclear material. If not this time, maybe next time. We
wanted to ask the auth-orities there if they had contemplated such a
threat and, if so, what plans they had to deal with it.

We wanted to carry out our plan sensibly and without causing any
panic, so we informed both British and US Customs exactly what we were
doing. The briefcase was thoroughly examined at Heathrow Airport and
again when we arrived in New York.

Understandably, perhaps, the New York authorities -from the Mayor's
office to the civil defence department -refused to meet us.. The story
of what we had brought with us and our exploits in Moscow were picked
up by New York radio stations.

In Washington, however, I interviewed Bob Kupperman, a former US
National Security Adviser who looked at the briefcase's contents and
said, 'Oh, my God. My worst night-mare is coming true!' A chilling
comment from the man who was once the chief scientist for the American
side in the SALT Two disarmament talks. He had warned several times
that the ready availability of small amounts of nuclear material on
the black market would ultimately give the ter-rorists the power they
had wanted for so long.

Here, in theory, was a bomb small enough to fit into a briefcase but
big enough to obliterate Manhattan.

When news of our visit to New York was picked up in Britain, we were
lambasted by the Sun, which accused me of being 'irresponsible and
naive' for trying to 'sneak' the 'dirty bomb' into the US with me.
This really annoyed me. We had moved heaven and earth to avoid scaring
people. We had informed all the relevant authorities in Britain and
the USA and, after all, we were making a very valid point, given our
Russian findings.

I insisted that Central complained to Kelvin MacKenzie, then the
editor of the Sun. Our press department advised against it. 'If you
cross the Sun, they'll never give you pub-licity again - not good
publicity anyway,' they warned.

I insisted, however, and, a couple of weeks later, an apol-ogy
appeared in the paper, printed as prominently as the original,
condemnatory article. And, despite the fears of the Central Television
press department, when we broadcast the first programme about the
terrorist activities of Martin McGuinness a few weeks after that, the
Sun described me as a 'national hero'. This was one 'national hero'
who was ready to lie down and sleep for a year.


The SS-20 was a mobile intermediate-range ballistic missile of the
U.S.S.R. Strategic Rocket Forces. It carried three independently
targeted thermonuclear warheads, each with an explosive force
equivalent to 250 kilotons (250,000 tons) of TNT. Beginning in 1976,
the SSĀ©;20 was deployed at 48 bases in the Soviet Union, putting it
within range of targets in western Europe and Asia. The terms of the
INF Treaty required that all SS-20s and their support equipment be
eliminated. The missile shown here is a training version, but its
dimensions are identical to those of an operational SS-20.
Transferred from the U.S.S.R. Height: 16.5 m (54 ft 1 in)
Diameter (first stage): 1.8 m (5 ft 10 in
Weight (missile only): 35,260 kg (77,665 lb)
Propulsion: 2-stage, solid propellant
Range: 4,400 km (2,700 mi)
Armament: 2 independently targeted 250-kiloton warheads
Manufacturer: Votkinsk Machine Building Plant, Votkinsk, U.S.S.R.
Deployed: western and far eastern U.S.S.R., 1976-1988
Source:: Nuclear Weapons Databook, Vol. IV:Soviet Nuclear Weapons

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
power they wield? 
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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