CFR members investigate CFR members involved in Benghazi tragedy – an 
AssoCIAted Press Limited Hangout. 

Associated Press reporter Matthew Lee wrote an article tilted *Benghazi 
review slams State Department on Security*. Lee identifies the who involved 
in the story investigating the deaths of Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens, 
information specialist Sean Smith and former Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and 
Tyrone Woods as being The US State Department, the CIA, Ambassador Thomas 
Pickering former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, Adm. Mike Mullen, Deputy 
Secretary of State  William Burns, Deputy Secretary of State Thomas Nides,  
of State Hilary Rodham Clinton and UN Ambassador Susan Rice. Lee fails to 
identify the Council on Foreign Relations. Pickering, Burns, Nides, and 
Rice are Council on Foreign Relations members. Hilary Clinton is wife of 
Council on Foreign Relations William Clinton who was President of the USA. 
CFR member Pickering is setting the stage for hearings at which CFR members 
Burns,Nides, and CFR wife Clinton are testifying. Sixteen CIA directors 
including David Petreaus, CIA director at the time of the tragedy are CFR 
members. The CFR has took over and has run the US State Department since 

On September 12, 1939, the Council on Foreign Relations began to take 
control of the Department of State. On that day Hamilton Fish Armstrong, 
Editor of Foreign Affairs, and Walter H. Mallory, Executive Director of the 
Council on Foreign Relations, paid a visit to the State Department. The 
Council proposed forming groups of experts to proceed with research in the 
general areas of Security, Armament, Economic, Political, and Territorial 
problems. The State Department accepted the proposal. The project 
(1939-1945) was called Council on Foreign Relations War and Peace Studies. 
Hamilton Fish Armstrong was Executive director. 

In February 1941 the CFR officially became part of the State Department. 
The Department of State established the Division of Special Research. It 
was organized just like the Council on Foreign Relations War and Peace 
Studies project. It was divided into Economic, Political, Territorial, and 
Security Sections. The Research Secretaries serving with the Council groups 
were hired by the State Department to work in the new division. These men 
also were permitted to continue serving as Research Secretaries to their 
respective Council groups. Leo Pasvolsky was appointed Director of 

In 1942 the relationship between the Department of State and the Council on 
Foreign Relations strengthened again. The Department organized an Advisory 
Committee on Postwar Foreign Policies. The Chairman was Secretary Cordell 
Hull, the vice chairman, Under Secretary Sumner Wells, Dr. Leo Pasvolsky ( 
director of the Division of Special Research) was appointed Executive 
Officer. Several experts were brought in from outside the Department. The 
outside experts were Council on Foreign Relations War and Peace Studies 
members; Hamilton Fish Armstrong, Isaiah Bowman, Benjamin V. Cohen, Norman 
H. Davis, and James T. Shotwell. 

In total there were 362 meetings of the War and Peace Studies groups. The 
meetings were held at Council on Foreign Relations headquarters -- the 
Harold Pratt house, Fifty-Eight East Sixty-Eighth Street, New York City. 
The Council's wartime work was confidential.17 

In 1944 members of the Council on Foreign Relations The War and Peace 
Studies Political Group were invited to be active members at the Dumbarton 
Oaks conference on world economic arrangements. In 1945 these men and 
members of Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs were active 
at the San Francisco conference which ensured the establishment of the 
United Nations. 

In 1947 Council on Foreign Relations members George Kennan, Walter 
Lippmann, Paul Nitze, Dean Achenson, and Walter Krock took part in a 
psycho-political operation forcing the Marshall Plan on the American 
public. The PSYOP included a "anonymous" letter credited to a Mr. X, which 
appeared in the Council on Foreign Relations magazine FOREIGN AFFAIRS. The 
letter opened the door for the CFR controlled Truman administration to take 
a hard line against the threat of Soviet expansion. George Kennan was the 
author of the letter. The Marshall Plan should have been called the Council 
on Foreign Relations Plan. The so-called Marshall Plan and the ensuing 
North Atlantic Treaty Organization defined the role of the United States in 
world politics for the rest of the century. 

Why is the Council on Foreign Relations missing from Matthew Lee’s story? 
Why is it missing from the stories of every Main Stream Media reporter 
covering the story? A limited hangout, is a public relations or *propaganda 
technique* <> that 
involves the release of previously hidden information in order to prevent a 
greater exposure of more important details. It takes the form of 
*misdirection* <>, or 
*cover-up*<>often associated with 
*intelligence agencies* 
<>involving a release or "
*mea culpa* <>" type of confession of 
only part of a set of previously hidden sensitive information, that 
establishes credibility for the one releasing the information who by the 
very act of confession appears to be "coming clean" and acting with *
integrity* <>; but in actuality, by 
withholding key facts, is protecting a deeper operation and those who could 
be exposed if the whole truth came out. In effect, if an array of offenses 
or misdeeds is suspected, this confession admits to a lesser offense while 
covering up the greater ones. USA the CFR run Main Stream Media is using 
disinformation and misinformation to brainwash us. Doesn’t that make you 
Benghazi review slams State Department on security 

Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The leaders of an independent panel that blamed 
systematic State Department management and leadership failures for gross 
security lapses in the deadly Sept. 11 attack on a U.S. diplomatic mission 
in Libya will explain their findings to Congress on Wednesday.

The two most senior members of the Accountability Review Board are set to 
testify behind closed doors before the House and Senate foreign affairs 
committees on the classified findings of their harshly critical report.

An unclassified version released late Tuesday said serious bureaucratic 
mismanagement was responsible for the inadequate security at the mission in 
Benghazi where the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans were killed.

"Systematic failures and leadership and management deficiencies at senior 
levels within two bureaus of the State Department resulted in a Special 
Mission security posture that was inadequate for Benghazi and grossly 
inadequate to deal with the attack that took place," the panel said.

Despite those deficiencies, the board determined that no individual 
officials ignored or violated their duties and recommended no disciplinary 
action. But it also said poor performance by senior managers should be 
grounds for disciplinary recommendations in the future.

Wednesday's classified testimony from the review board - retired Ambassador 
[CFR member] Thomas Pickering and a former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, 
Adm. Mike Mullen - will set the stage for open hearings the next day with 
Deputy Secretary of State [CFR member] William Burns, who is in charge of 
policy, and Deputy Secretary of State [CFR member] Thomas Nides, who is in 
charge of management.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton [wife of CFR member US President 
William Jefferson Clinton] was to have appeared at Thursday's hearing but 
canceled after fainting and sustaining a concussion last week while 
recovering from a stomach virus that dehydrated her. Clinton is under 
doctors' orders to rest.

In a letter that accompanied the transmission of the report to Capitol 
Hill, Clinton thanked the board for its "clear-eyed, serious look at 
serious systemic challenges" and said she accepted all of its 29 
recommendations to improve security at high-threat embassies and consulates.

She said the department had already begun to implement some of the 
recommendations. They include increasing by several hundred the number of 
Marine guards stationed at diplomatic missions throughout the world; 
relying less on local security forces for protection at embassies, 
consulates and other offices; and increasing hiring and deployment of 
highly trained Diplomatic Security agents at at-risk posts.

Clinton agreed with the panel's finding that Congress must fully fund the 
State Department's security initiatives. The panel found that budget 
constraints in the past had led some management officials to emphasize 
savings over security, including rejecting numerous requests from the 
Benghazi mission and the embassy in Tripoli for enhanced protection.

It singled out the Bureau of Diplomatic Security and the Bureau of Near 
East Affairs for criticism, saying there appeared to be a lack of 
cooperation and confusion over protection at the mission in Benghazi, a 
city in Eastern Libya that was relatively lawless after the revolution that 
toppled Libyan strongman Moammar Gadhafi.

But it appeared to break little new ground about the timeline of the 
Benghazi attack during which Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens, information 
specialist Sean Smith and former Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods - 
who were contractors working for the CIA - were killed. Stevens' slaying 
was the first of a U.S. ambassador since 1988.

The board determined that there had been no immediate, specific tactical 
warning of a potential attack on the 11th anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001. 
However, the report said there had been several worrisome incidents in the 
run-up to the attack that should have set off warning bells.

It did confirm, though, that contrary to initial accounts, there was no 
protest outside the consulate. It said responsibility for the incident 
rested entirely with the terrorists who attacked the mission.

In the immediate aftermath of the attack, administration officials linked 
the attack to the spreading protests that had begun in Cairo earlier that 
day over an American-made, anti-Islamic film. Those comments came after 
evidence already pointed to a distinct militant attack.

United Nations Ambassador [CFR member] Susan Rice appeared on numerous TV 
talk shows the Sunday after the attack and used the administration talking 
points linking it to the film. An ensuing brouhaha in the heat of the 
presidential campaign eventually led her to withdraw her name from 
consideration to replace Hillary Rodham Clinton as secretary of state in 
President Barack Obama's second term.

While criticizing State Department management in Washington along with the 
local militia force and contract guards that the mission depended on for 
protection, the report said U.S. personnel on the ground in Benghazi 
"performed with courage and readiness to risk their lives to protect their 
colleagues in a near-impossible situation."

It said the response by Diplomatic Security agents on the scene and CIA [16 
CIA directors including David Petreaus are CFR members] operatives at a 
nearby compound that later came under attack itself had been "timely and 
appropriate" and absolved the military from any blame. "There was simply 
not enough time for armed U.S. military assets to have made a difference," 
it said.

The report also discounted speculation that officials in Washington had 
refused appeals for additional help after the attack had begun.

"The Board found no evidence of any undue delays in decision making or 
denial of support from Washington or from the military combatant 
commanders," it said. To the contrary, the report said the evacuation of 
the dead and wounded 12 hours after the initial attack was due to 
"exceptional U.S. government coordination and military response" that 
helped save the lives of two seriously wounded Americans. (

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Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
power they wield? 
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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